蔡中文陳珮雯2019-09-062004-9-12019-09-062004http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2004000279%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108868在基督教的禮拜儀式中,詩歌讚美是不可或缺的一大要素,也可以說音樂是基督教相當具有代表性的特色之一。近年來雖然各基督教派別之間對於教義真理的紛爭漸趨緩和,使得普世教會合一的目標漸受重視,然而禮拜儀式因為各教派間長久的對立,以及基督教會對傳統儀式的堅持,導致儀式逐漸僵化而遭人詬病;禮拜儀式中的音樂自然亦無法倖免。因教派之儀式有別,本論文僅以長老教會的禮拜儀式為基礎,來探究出適合基督教會禮拜儀式之音樂。 長老教會的禮拜中心在於著重解釋聖道,因此,禮拜程序便甚為簡單。而長老教會傳入台灣一百多年來,在禮拜儀式上並未隨著時代的變遷有所調整,與現行台灣基督長老教會所用的禮拜儀式毫無二致。所以為了在禮拜音樂上呈現出禮拜更新的意義,今日台灣基督教長老教會中,在禮拜中運用「敬拜讚美」的方式為詩歌吟唱的模式之教會逐漸增加,也同時引發了一些教會問題。而相較於傳統詩歌與現代詩歌之爭,「泰澤詩歌」以其獨特的詩歌吟唱以及靜默禱告的模式,提供給各教會一個不同形式的思考方向,或進而運用在禮拜之中。 四0年代在法國成立的「泰澤團體」,其強調的靜默禱告及具代表性的「泰澤詩歌」吸引了為數不少的人投身於這樣的宗教儀式中,並在其中找尋心靈的依歸。全球各地許多教會早已跨越天主教、東正教與基督教新教間的鴻溝,並開始使用多種語言吟唱「泰澤詩歌」,其目標就是希望能以基督的愛促使各教派和解並互相接納,因為「共融、合一與和平」的精神一直是「泰澤團體」委身的神聖使命與標記。 在基督教會的禮拜儀式中運用「泰澤詩歌」,雖然有一些限制與必備條件,但即使如此,「泰澤詩歌」對於禮拜仍是一種新的嘗試,在今日一片禮拜更新的浪潮中,不失為一個可考慮的禮拜型態。Judging from a unique role of singing-praise playing in Christian liturgy, it is easily recognized that music is an essential part of Christianity. Recently the goal to reach complete unity in Christian society has attracted increasing attention due to the fact that dispute about Truth between different sects is getting alleviated. However, owing to long-term disagreements and persistence about liturgy in Christian society, conservative worship is receiving growing complaints. Music, as one of most important part of liturgy, cannot be isolated from these complaints either. To avoid wide arguments, the discussion of this thesis is based on liturgy in Presbyterian Church only. Since the focus of worship in Presbyterian Church is teaching God’s Words, the procedures of liturgy are quite plain. For the past one hundred years, the liturgy of Presbyterian Churches in Taiwan has no major change. As a result, more and more Presbyterian Churches in Taiwan adopt a singing style so-called “worship-praise” in their worships in order to add new meaning in worship. However, this change also triggers extremely different responses in Christian society. As seeing severe arguments between traditional and new singing styles in worship, Taizé offers an alternative way of thinking by its mediation and particular singing style. Taizé Community was established in France in 40s. Owing to its unique singing style as well as meditation, it has attracted many people not only to join but also look for the final destination of their lives through this practice. Today the popularity of Taizé has overcome gaps between Catholic, Orthodox Church and Christianity. People start to practice Taizé with different languages. For those who come to Taizé, they expect to reach permanent unity through Jesus Christ’s love because that “Ecumenicalism”, “Reconciliation” and “Communion” have been Taizé mission and logo since its beginning. Even though the application of Taizé in liturgy does not come without limitation; some of surrounding conditions are still required, Taizé does offer its refreshing meaning in worship. Especially, under such waves of worship reforming in Christianity, it deserves more trials.基督教音樂長老教會禮拜泰澤詩歌敬拜讚美「泰澤詩歌」在基督教禮拜儀式中運用之可行性探索