黃加明Jia-Ming Huang2022-05-162022-05-162022-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/1159902021年5月15日,臺灣本土的新冠肺炎(COVID-19)疫情持續嚴峻,中央流行疫情指揮中心宣布臺北市、新北市疫情警戒提升至第三級;雙北市長並於2日後(5月17日)決議雙北高中職以下學校全部停課;5月18日,教育部宣布自5月19日起全國各級學校停止到校上課,並建議學校改採線上教學,學生居家學習不到校,並將線上課程視為正式課程。筆者以中等學校教師參與及思考資訊科技融入教學的歷程,撰文說明自臺灣三級疫情「停課不停學」政策實施以來,所引發的衝擊與問題,除了利用公私立線上教學協力資源的協助外,許多中學教師近三個月在全線上教學所做的努力,在陸續開學、恢復實體教學後,仍有可能在後疫情時代視彈性調整,繼續轉換為線上教學或混成教學;因此,筆者將可能遭遇之挑戰與實踐方式,以Puentedura(2013)的SAMR 思考模式及Bloom 等人(1984)認知目標的概念整合,以自身教學實踐案例與文獻探究,提供教師同儕可行之線上及混成教學實踐案例與建議。In May, 2021, schools at all levels suspended in-class learning and transformed into homeschooling and remote (online) learning due to the nationwide level-3 COVID-19 alert. The policy of homeschooling and remote/online learning in place of in-class learning greatly impacted all levels of teachers and caused challenges in teaching, especially for teachers in middle schools. With the assistance from government and corporate resources for remote learning, the middle-school teachers endeavor to help students learn online. Although the schools resumed in-person teaching, there is still a possibility to adopt remote learning or hybrid learning (maxing in-class learning and online learning) due to the potential threat of COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, this study integrated with the Puentedura's (2013) SAMR model and Bloom et al.'s (1984) Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, to provide several cases and feasible suggestions on online and hybrid teaching and learning for peer teachers from the experience of facing challenges and practices to make "non-stop learning".線上教學混成教學複合教學停課不停學online learningremote learninghybrid learninghomeschoolingCOVID-19後疫情時期中等學校線上及混成教學的挑戰與實踐On the Challenges and Practices for Remote and Hybrid Teaching and Learning of Secondary Schools after Covid-19 Pandemic