施令紅姚村雄李敏雲tina lee2020-12-102007-7-252020-12-102007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0093603127%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114862摘 要 雲可以造雨來滋潤大地的每一根草一棵樹,與人類生活已產生密不可分之關係。雲紋這氣紋圖案深刻反映了古人宇宙為氣的觀念,氣紋展現左右上下旋轉和升降形態,呈現一種玄妙惑,而以一種秘而不宣的藝術符號,傳達著古人極其豐富的宇宙觀。所以打開一部中國裝飾藝術史,「祥雲」紋飾極盡豐富的形象樣態,顯示了中華民族對「雲」的文化興趣和審美熱情,成為表徵民族精神的典型象徵,瞭解雲圖形及古代雲紋與民眾生活之思想信仰、生活方式、心理活動及其代表意義是值得研究的議題。 本研究透過對中國雲紋紋樣的歷史演變做系統性的整理分析,深入探討其紋樣的特殊內涵與價值,及與幾千年來與民眾生活之關係,以作為設計概念之基礎,並透過天象觀察雲形變化,釐清出「雲」呈現的吉祥意念、美的意念、情感意念,企圖以新造形模式及美的訴求來發展創作空間。在經濟競爭時代,促銷公關活動已成為現代民眾生活的一部份,透過明確的主題概念輔以寓意鮮明的圖像,視覺設計可協助達到宣傳活動的目的。中國各式紋飾非常多元,各有各個寓意,發覺可古為今用在各項活動主題概念設計上,因此,目前以「雲紋」作為本研究之創作主體,並嘗試運用在各項活動文宣、空間佈置及產品設計上,其成果可提供未來設計者一個具體可行的設計取材方式。 本研究並以花蓮縣玉溪地區觀光產業文化行銷活動作為創作實例,透過設計概念展開與實作,呈現創作實驗之精神。ABSTRACT Cloud brings rain to all plants and trees. It is inseparable from human existence.The pattern of cloud, a kind of patterns of airflow, reflects our ancestor’s point of view that universe is “qi”, a mass of vapor. Airflow patterns, developed into the styles of rotating, from left to right and from up to down, and the styles of ascending and descending, manifested some kind of mysticism. These connotative artistic icons conveyed the rich thinking of universe of our ancestors.Looking into any historical record of Chinese ornamental art, the pattern of “Auspicious Cloud”, with the extremely intricate forms and rich lines, denoted the Chinese people’s aesthetic preferences and passion. Further, Chinese people turned it into one of the classic national icons. It is of great importance to research into the cloud patterns, their ancient forms and their connection with public’s core beliefs, daily lives, mental states and its meanings to them. This research will systematically analyze the evolution of the Chinese cloud pattern through historical archives, taking a detailed look at the meanings and values of its particular variants, researching its relationship with the people through thousands of years. This will be the basis of the application of cloud shapes into design concepts. Also, through meteorological observation of the formation of clouds, this research is tracing the cloud pattern’s “auspicious”, aesthetic and emotional meanings and aiming to create new forms and aesthetic appeals of the cloud pattern to enhance decent application of creativity.In an era of economic competition , promoting events have become part of people’s daily lives; through a clear conceptualization and a meaningful graphic, visual design can help reach the promotional goal. Actually, Chinese ornamental patterns are varied. Each has its own implied meanings. Applying a pattern that has been recurrent through history to today’s different concept of design is the motivation for this research. Certainly, the cloud pattern is the object of this study. Expectably, the use of the cloud pattern in different promotional activities, interior designs and product designs will be a pattern for the future designers to follow. This research will study the example of cultural promotional events in the Yu-Si area in Hualian County and emphasize the study of the newly developed design concept influence on the spirit of creativity.活動視覺設計雲紋象徵溝通符號Eevent Visual DesignCloud PatternSymbolismCommunication Symbol雲形應用在活動視覺設計的創作研究-以花蓮縣玉溪地區「雲鄉花海節」為例Research on the use of cloud shapes in dynamic visual design:the example of the “Cloud Township Flower Festival” Jhuo-si and Yu-li areas, Hualian County.