張建成顏君竹2019-08-282008-7-162019-08-282007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693000150%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90063過去國內有關性別角色的研究,往往從父權運作的角度切入,鮮有從「階級文化」的觀點去瞭解個體的性別身分認同及其所從事的相關性別活動。然而,綜覽過去國內外的研究結果可發現,不同的階級文化會建構出不同的性別符碼(gender codes),不同階級學生所建構出來的性別世界確實存有差異。倘若學生在學校中的人際互動、行為表現的確反映出濃厚的階級殊異性,那麼這些學生的家庭經驗與家中進行的相關活動,是否與他們在學校中所展現的行為有著高度的吻合與承接關係?亦即,學生在家庭中所知覺到種種經驗、與家庭成員間所進行的互動模式等等,是否就存有階級上的差異,並因此影響孩子本身在性別定義、性別互動,甚至性別關係上的展現,這些正是本研究所欲探究的。因此,本研究乃以「家庭階級背景對青少年性別角色觀的影響」為題,進行深入探究。研究目的如下: 一、瞭解不同階級青少年的性別角色觀。 二、瞭解不同階級父母親的性別角色觀,以及家中的互動模式與性別關係。 三、探討上述家庭因素與青少年性別角色觀及其行為表現的呼應程度。 經由以上發現歸納出結論,並提出建議。 為達上述目的,本研究採取質性研究,以半結構式訪談為主,輔以調查單的實施,研究對象分別為代表勞工與中上階級的22名國中學生。就研究結果與討論,歸納成以下結論: 壹、中上階級青少年的性別角色觀較勞工階級青少年為多元彈性。 一、中上階級青少年在性別特質的界定上較為多元,勞工階級較為刻板。 二、中上階級青少年在性別分工上較為彈性,勞工階級較為僵化。 三、中上階級青少年較尊重個別差異,勞工階級則常存有不容跨越的性別界線。 四、中上階級青少年在性別互動上較為尊重、互助,勞工階級較為粗暴、對立。 貳、中上階級雙親在性別角色觀上較為一視同仁、開明平權,勞工階級則強調男女有別、各守其份。 參、中上階級家庭中的性別互動較為緊密且具支持性,勞工階級則較疏離且各行其是。 肆、中上階級家庭中的性別關係較為民主包容,勞工階級則展現出男性父權的專斷。 最後,基於上述結論,本研究提出若干建議,備供參酌。In the past, the studies concerning gender role in Taiwan primarily discuss from the patriarchy view point, seldom from class culture about ones gender identity and activities. However, in most of the researches, we can find different class cultures may contribute different gender codes. And students from different classes may have different gender worlds. If students’ interactions in school really express the difference of class culture, then is have highly relationship with what they do and what they experience in the home will be possible? In the other words, maybe students’ experiences and interactions different from class to class, and all of these affect the gender codes, gender interactions and gender relationships of the students. Therefore, this study is designed to explore the gender role perspectives of the students and their parents in different class, and to know the gender interactions and relationships in their family. To fulfill the above purpose, this study applies qualitative approaches, such as semi-structured interview and other paper documents, to collect data from twenty- two students belonging working class and middle-upper class. The major findings are as follows: 1. The gender perspectives of working class are stereotyped than middle-upper class. 2. The gender perspectives of the parents in working class emphasize gender-divided, and the parents in middle-upper class are more equal. 3. The gender interactions in working class families are more indifferent and unsupportable than middle-upper class. 4. The gender relationships in working class families are more patriarchy, and more democratic in middle-upper class.家庭青少年性別角色觀階級familyteenagersgender role perspectivessocial class家庭階級背景對青少年性別角色觀的影響