洪仁進何蕙如2019-08-282015-03-012019-08-282012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698000014%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90204本研究旨在探討現今國民中小學九年一貫課程中寫作教學的現況與困境,並試圖將「蘇格拉底對話法」引進寫作課程,發展適合國小六年級實施蘇格拉底對話法運用於論說文寫作教學之教材教法,以期增進學生的寫作動機與能力,提供教師未來實施寫作教學之參考。在研究方法上,本研究採用個案研究法進行研究,以新北市樹林區陽光國小(匿名)六年級一個班29位學生為研究對象,進行為期六週的教學活動,共完成三篇論說文體例寫作。研究發現列述如下: 壹、蘇格拉底對話法與論說文寫作教學皆強調邏輯性的批判思考,運用蘇格拉底對話法於國小高年級論說文寫作教學,有其成效。 貳、運用蘇格拉底對話法於國小高年級論說文寫作教學,促進者(教師)應具備良好的提問技巧,方能引導學生思維。 參、促進者(教師)與學生進行蘇格拉底對話時,學生的表達具強烈主觀意識,且呈現的對話模式具多元特色。 肆、受限於國小學生的成長特性,運用蘇格拉底對話法進行案例分享,有其限制。 伍、運用蘇格拉底對話法於國小高年級論說文寫作教學,學生能將探究之議題延伸至文章中呈現。 陸、蘇格拉底對話法強調小團體的對話,運用於大班級之國小高年級論說文寫作教學,有其限制。This study elaborates a discussion about the status and the dilemmas of the elementary and junior high schools curriculum of teaching writing. In order to promote students’ writing motivation and performance and also for teachers’ teaching method, the researcher brings“Socratic Dialogues”into writing curriculum, and develops suitable teaching methods of Socratic dialogues in teaching essay writing to sixth graders. This reasarch adopts case studies. New Taipei City Shulin District Sunshine Elementary School(anonymous)29 sixth graders had experienced six weeks of courses and finished three essay writings. Six search reports are as the shown following: 1. Socratic dialogues and teaching essay writing both emphasize critical thinking of logics, by effectively using Socratic dialogues in teaching essay writing to fifth and sixth graders. 2. When facilitators(teachers)use Socratic dialogues in teaching essay writing to fifth and sixth graders, they should have good questioning skills in order to lead students thinking. 3. When facilitators(teachers)are proceeding Socratic dialogues with students, students’ expression showed subjective consciousness, and the dialogue models can be diversity. 4. A restriction was showed in the characteristic of elementary students when sharing examples using Socratic dialogues. 5. Students can extend subjects of dialogues to writings, when using Socratic Dialogues in teaching essay writing to fifth and sixth graders. 6. Socratic dialogues emphasizes small groups dialogues: therefore it had restricted the research in large classes.蘇格拉底對話法論說文寫作教學個案研究Socratic DialoguesTeaching Essay WritingA Case Study蘇格拉底對話法應用於國小高年級論說文寫作教學之個案研究