黃福坤李忠義2019-09-052007-7-252019-09-052006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0692410152%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/102596本研究採質性分析的方式探討兩位個案教師在傳統教室中運用資訊科技融入教學的層級,與教學策略、科技類型、教師角色之間的關係。研究者以美國蘋果電腦ACOT的研究結果為基礎,發展一套適合分析傳統教室運用資訊科技融入教學的五個層級,分別為『未使用(Non-use)』、『入門(Entry)』、『採納(Adoption)』、『適應(Adaptation)』以及『善用(Appropriation)』。另外從文獻與研究過程觀察所見,將教師運用資訊科技的策略概分為『引起動機或呈現情境』、『促使學生回顧學習內容』、『解釋原理、機制、定理及定律』、『視覺化講述過的情境』以及『檢驗學生學習成效』,分析的過程同時考慮教師運用資訊科技的類型以及教師的角色,研究結果發現: 一、融入層級為『採納』階段的葉老師: 1.資訊科技的使用主要用來播放影片與展示模擬動畫,且影片與模擬動畫較少搭配使用。 2.一個課程概念中,資訊科技只用來進行單一種策略,例如全用來『解釋原理、機制、定理及定律』或是『視覺化講述過的情境』等。 3.整體而言模擬動畫主要用來輔助『解釋原理、機制、定理及定律』以及『視覺化講述過的情境』,影片主要用來『引起動機或呈現情境』與『視覺化講述過的情境』。 4.教師角色方面,不管是展示模擬動畫或播放影片,葉老師多以教師直接講述的方式進行,亦即教師角色與科技類型無關。 二、融入層級為『適應』階段的蘇老師: 1.資訊科技的使用主要用來播放影片、展示動畫以及協助進行簡單實驗,影片與模擬動畫常搭配使用。 2.一個課程概念中會運用不同的資訊科技來達到不同的教學策略,對於相同的資訊科技也能運用於不同的策略。 3.整體而言模擬動畫主要用來『解釋原理、機制、定理及定律』,而影片類有一半以上用來『引起動機或呈現情境』。 4.整體而言蘇老師使用資訊科技有時以直接講述的方式、有時以提問引導的方式(各約一半)進行教學,亦即教師角色與科技類型無關。不過以策略而言,當蘇老師進行『引起動機或呈現情境』、『促使學生回顧學習內容』以及『檢驗學生學習成效』時,會偏向以提問引導的方式進行。 5.蘇老師運用資訊科技來輔助進行簡單的實驗時,皆以提問引導的方式進行教學。This study adopted a qualitative method to study the level of integrating information technology (IT) into teaching between two case teachers in traditional classrooms, and the relations to instructional strategies, technology categories and teacher’s roles. The researcher took the study results of ACOT as the foundation to develop a measure levels which are suitable for analyzing the use of IT in traditional classrooms. They are “Non-use,” “Entry,” “Adoption,” “Adaptation” and “Appropriation”. Besides, from the literature and observing, the researcher divided the teachers’ instructional strategies into five parts: “triggering students’ motivations or presenting the situations,” “making students recall the learning contents,” “explaining a theory, giving a definition to a concept,” “visualizing the situation after the explaining process” and “measuring students’ learning achievements.” Finally the researcher found that: Mr. Ya who is in the level of adoption: 1. Mr. Ya uses IT mainly to play videos and show simulations. Videos and simulations are rarely associated use. 2. Mr. Ya often uses single strategy in teaching a conception in the class, for example he used all the time to explain a theory, to give a definition to a concept or to visualize the situation after the explaining process. 3. From all the processes of observation in using IT, we found that Mr. Ya uses simulations mainly in assisting to explain a theory or a definition and to visualize the situation after the explaining process. As for the use of videos, the purpose is to trigger students’ motivations, to present the situations and to visualize the situations in the explaining process. 4. In teacher’s roles, either the use of videos or simulations, most of the time Mr. Ya used direct teaching or just played the videos or simulations for students. The teacher’s roles have nothing to do with the technology categories. Mr. Su who is in the level of adaptation: 1. Mr. Su uses IT mainly to play videos, show simulations and assist simple experiments. Videos and simulations are usually associated use. 2. Mr. Su used different IT in the class to attain different teaching strategies. Even, he used the same IT to create different teaching strategies. 3. In the observation of the use of IT in the class of optics, we found that Mr. Su used simulations mainly in the process of explaining a theory or a definition and over 50% of the videos were used to trigger students’ motivations or to present the situations. 4. No matter in the use of videos or simulations, Mr. Su sometimes used directing teaching and sometimes raised relative questions to guide students’ thoughts. The teacher’s roles have nothing to do with the technology categories. As for the use of strategies in “triggering students’ motivations or presenting the situations,” “making students recall the learning contents” and “measuring students’ learning achievements,” Mr. Su prefers to raise relative questions to guide students’ thoughts. 5. Mr. Su used information technologies in the class to assist simple experiments, so that students can observe real scientific phenomena and during the teaching process he used the strategy of raising relative questions to guide students’ thoughts.資訊科技融入教學教學策略integrating information technology into teachinginstructional strategies個案分析資訊科技融入傳統教室之教學-以兩位國中理化科教師為例