陳志洪Chen, Zhi-Hong王宇晨Wang, Yu-Tseng2020-10-192022-09-102020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060608006E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110434英文受全球化的環境影響下,被視為各國人之間主要的溝通工具,然而,對於非英文母語國家的學習者來說,語言環境的缺乏容易造成英文會話學習上的退縮或不自信,為了改善並提升學習者對於英文會話學習的想法,希望以虛擬實境的情境提供非母語學習者能自信進行英文會話學習的環境。為此本研究使用語易公司發展的「語易E1」頭戴式虛擬實境英文學習裝置系統,系統中導入角色扮演教學法,給予與學習內容一致的虛擬角色扮演情境環境,讓學習者在相對應情境下,進行擬真的英文會話模擬學習和練習應用,期望透過使用虛擬實境的情境式教材能夠使英文會話學習者的學習動機提升,且影響學習者學習英文會話的行為。 本研究以台北市公私立大學生為研究對象,進行前實驗法研究設計,共39人參與實驗活動,以情境式虛擬實境裝置進行日常生活的英文學習,並以MSLQ(Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire)問卷中「動機」面向題目,探討學習者在使用虛擬實境情境系統時,英文會話學習在動機和行為的影響情形,針對價值、期望與情感三項度所構成的「動機」層面,測量參與者使用系統的動機,再結合質性訪談和視覺化行為歷程,進行結果討論。實驗資料分析結果如下:(1)虛擬實境情境系統教材能夠提升英文會話學習者的學習動機,其中價值、期望與情感三成分也有達統計顯著的影響,且於子項度:自我效能和工作價值提升及學習焦慮的下降。(2)以視覺化方式將學習者使用虛擬實境情境系統教材的英文會話學習行為歷程記錄呈現,且發現學習者們根據自身原本對於英文會話不同程度的焦慮恐懼感,學習者的行為模式組合有些差異,較低焦慮恐懼感者傾向直接進行英文會話角色扮演學習;較高焦慮感者傾向從基本的單字與短句做練習。Because of the development of the global village, English as the main communication language is getting more and more essential. However, for non-English mother tongue language learners, English as a foreign language (EFL) is more difficult to learn based on the lack of environment for speaking in English which also makes learners even less confident in language learning. To improve EFL learners to be more willing to learn English and use English as a tool to communicate with others, this research would like to apply the Visual Reality device into contextual English conversation learning. Depending on the role-play teaching material in the Visual Reality device, the system may be able to provide a corresponding contextual learning environment with English conversation contents. Then, the learners could simulate the real-world situation and practice the vivid English dialog interaction in the Visual Reality contextual learning system. Finally, by supporting from the Visual Reality device to do the contextual role-play English learning, it might truly offer the EFL learners a better motivation to learning English conversation, even then influencing the behaviors while using the device to practical learning. According to the previous purpose, this research invites 39 university student attendants to do the experiment based on a pre-experimental design in Visual Reality contextual English learning system. And making all participants answer to part one of Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) is measured the learning motivation, value component, expectancy component, affective component, and all sub-factors. Based on the results, Visual Reality contextual English conversation material statistically improves learners’ motivation and also in value, expectancy, and affective components. Also, the behaviors of learners show some discussable pattern.情境式學習英文會話VR情境式英文學習虛擬實境學習VRContextual LearningEnglish Conversation LearningVisual Reality Contextual LearningVisual Reality LearningVR以虛擬實境促進大學生英文情境會話學習Using Virtual Reality Technology to Enhance English Conversation Learning for University Students