張國恩宋曜廷方瓊瑤Kuo-En ChangYao-Ting Sung蘇嘉穎Chia-Yin Su2019-08-292006-8-142019-08-292006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693080186%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92911摘要能力在學生的語文學習過程佔有十分重要的地位,因為它可協助學生在短時間之內迅速、有效的記憶並理解所閱讀的文章內容,增進學習效果。本研究以自然類說明文為範例文體,依據閱讀理解原則輔以教導學生辨認說明文文章結構來設計一套系統幫助提升國小學生之摘要能力。主要目的為(1)根據閱讀理解教學原則結合說明文文章結構辨識和摘要策略來設計「文章摘要策略教學系統」。(2)經由實驗探討「文章摘要策略教學系統」對促進學生判斷說明文文章重點的能力之效果。(3)瞭解學生對文章摘要策略教學系統的態度與看法。 本研究為「準實驗設計」,研究對象為台北縣某國小五年級學生共126位,實驗文章為說明文結構當中的「比較式」與「因果式」,本實驗採用單因子共變數分析,探討實驗組與對照組在前測成績的影響排除後,後測成績的差異情形。 研究結果顯示:(1)在因果式文章摘要結果方面:學生在使用「文章摘要策略教學系統」之後,文章摘要能力顯著優於教師以其慣用的文章摘要教學方式敎學。(2) 在比較式文章摘要結果方面:前測成績較差的學生使用「文章摘要策略教學系統」後的文章摘要成效優於接受教師傳統教學;前測成績較好的學生則是接受教師傳統教學成效優於使用「文章摘要策略教學系統」學習文章摘要策略。(3)學生給予「文章摘要策略教學系統」正面評價。Summarizing ability plays a very important role in language and literature learning because it helps students to memorize and assimilate articles rapidly and effectively and improve the effect of learning. The research takes scientific expository as an example to design a system according to reading comprehension principles with recognition of expository structure. The thesis also explores if students really improve their summarizing ability with the training of this system and investigates if the students think the system to be helpful. A quasi-experimental design was adopted in this research for the 126 fifth graders in an elementary school in Taipei County. We adopt comparison and causation expository as experimental article. The finding shows that: (1) With respect to causation expository: Students who use summarizing strategy instruction system show better performance than the ones who learn summarizing strategy from their teachers. (2) With respect to comparison expository : The students with lower pre-test scores would have better performance when they use summarizing strategy instruction system ; However, the students with higher pre-test scores would have better performance whey they learn summarizing strategy from their teachers. (3)The students appreciate summarizing strategy instruction system positively.文章摘要學習策略教學系統文章摘要策略教學系統的設計與應用-以自然類說明文為例Design and Application of a system for Summarizing Strategy Instruction-The Case of Scientific Expositories.