陳美燕Chen, Mei-Yen黃宇廷Huang, Yu-Ting2024-12-172024-08-012024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/eca4ddbec6219441077e3711476cb149/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/123800民眾的樂趣感是對使用數位運動科器材的一個重要因素,民眾對於不同使用動機與科技接受會驅使他們持續使用數位運動科技。過去的研究也顯示民眾的使用動機與科技接受會影響自身的樂趣感。行政院提出以「Sports Everywhere」為發展願景,為民眾創造智慧育樂的新價值,加速運動產業科技化應用的市場開發,及將臺灣運動行為與風氣擴大到休閒化與娛樂化。因應新冠肺炎疫情影響,運動數位化儼然成為目前全球的發展趨勢。本研究之目的瞭解使用數位運動器材民眾之現況、探究民眾對數位運動器材之使用動機、科技接受與樂趣感之關聯性、分析民眾使用數位運動器材之使用動機、科技接受與樂趣感的預測力。本研究採立意抽樣方式進行調查,研究對象為參與TaiSPO台灣國際運動及健身展之觀展民眾,於現場發放線上問卷。本研究工具內在動機量表、科技接受量表、樂趣表量表與人口統計問項。資料處理與分析包括敘述性統計分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、多元迴歸分析。有效問卷為187份。研究結果發現,民眾男性多於女性,教育程度以大專院校為多,年齡以21-30歲為主,婚姻狀況以未婚居多,職業以自由業與服務業居多,居住地以北部居多,近半年使用次數以2-4次居多。不同民眾特性在性別、婚姻狀況與教育程度之使用動機、科技接受與樂趣感上存在顯著差異。民眾之使用動機與科技接受與樂趣感之間具有正相關,且知覺能力、努力、知覺有用與知覺易用對樂趣感具有顯著解釋能力。因此本研究建議業者強化數位運動器材之內容設計、改善界面設計、增加與民眾之間的連結,提升民眾的使用動機,進而提升民眾的樂趣感及使用意願。The enjoyment of the public is an important factor in using digital sports equipment, and people's different motivations and acceptance of technology drive them to continue using digital sports technology. Past studies have also shown that people's motivations for use and acceptance of technology affect their own enjoyment. The Executive Yuan has proposed "Sports Everywhere" as a development vision to create new value for intelligent leisure for the public, accelerate the market development of sports industry technology applications, and expand Taiwan's sports behavior and atmosphere to leisure and entertainment. In response to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the digitization of sports has become a global trend. The purpose of this study is to understand the current situation of the public using digital sports equipment, explore the motivations for the public to use digital sports equipment, the relationship between technology acceptance and enjoyment, and analyze the predictive power of the motivations for use, technology acceptance, and enjoyment of digital sports equipment by the public. This study conducted surveys using purposive sampling. The subjects were visitors participating in the TaiSPO Taiwan International Sports and Fitness Exhibition, and online questionnaires were distributed on-site. The research tools included intrinsic motivation scales, technology acceptance scales, enjoyment scales, and demographic questions. Data processing and analysis included descriptive statistical analysis, independent sample t-tests, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. There were 187 valid questionnaires. The results of the study found that there were more male participants than female participants, with a majority having a college education, primarily aged 21-30, unmarried, with occupations mostly in freelancing and the service industry, residing mostly in the northern region, and using digital sports equipment 2-4 times in the past six months. Significant differences exist in the motivations for use, technology acceptance, and enjoyment based on different demographic characteristics such as gender, marital status, and education level. There is a positive correlation between people's motivations for use and technology acceptance and enjoyment, and motivations for use, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use have significant explanatory power for enjoyment. Therefore, this study suggests that businesses should strengthen the content design of digital sports equipment, improve interface design, and optimize on-site usage environments to create a better operating environment for the public, enhance people's motivations for use, and thereby increase people's enjoymentand willingness to use.數位科技知覺有用性知覺易用性運動數位化使用動機內在動機Digital technologyperceived usefulnessperceived ease of usesports digitizationmotivationintrinsic motivation民眾對數位運動器材之使用動機、科技接受與樂趣感之研究Study of the Motivation, Acceptance of Technology, and Enjoyment for the Digital Sports Equipment Users學術論文