蕭錫錡張仁家宋欣雅陳甦彰2014-10-272014-10-272009-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/30495台灣目前僅存之15所專科學校,均由職業學校轉型而來,且以護理學校為大宗。轉型後的專科學校是否有具體的組織創新發展與成效,鮮少有研究加以探討,因此本研究欲建立合理的組織創新評鑑指標,俾利實際應用於專科學校組織創新評鑑工作。本研究首先以專家判斷法確立專科學校組織創新指標七大構面,並採用層級分析法(AHP)以25位學者專家為對象,進行問卷調查,經一致性檢定後,計算出專科學校組織創新評鑑指標相對權重。研究結果顯示,在第一層指標中,最重要的項目為「領導創新」,權重高達24.1%;第二層級指標中,最重要的項目為「願景」,權重分配為11.9%。結論指出,領導者應具備創新的思維,並扮演組織邁向創新的領航角色,且對於未來組織變革與創造力發展具有明確願景的領導者,最可能成功地推動組織創新。The existing 15 junior colleges in Taiwan were converted from vocational high schools, and the nursing junior colleges account for a large proportion of them. But the specific development and performance of organizational innovation in the transitional junior colleges were seldom studied. Therefore, this paper focused on the establishment of reliable evaluation indicators for organizational innovation of school for such assessments in junior colleges. At first, this study held the panel discussion to construct the 7 evaluation indicators of organizational innovation in junior colleges, and then adopted the techniques of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to solicit opinions from 25 experts through questionnaires. A consistency analysis was adopted to calculate the index weights of the evaluation indicators. The following were the results of this study; “innovation leadership” and “vision” are the most important items of the first and second hierarchy, with the highest weights of 24.1% and 11.9% respectively. The findings of this study indicate that leaders should be with innovation thoughts and enhance organizational innovation, and the leaders who are most likely to make innovation happen are those who have a clear vision of the direction of organizational change and creativity.學校組織創新層級分析法專科學校School organizational innovationAnalytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)Junior colleges專科學校組織創新評鑑指標建構之研究A Study of Constructing Evaluation Indicators for Organizational Innovation in Junior Colleges