許慧如2019-08-122019-08-122011-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/80963本文採用8 位台南人士的自發性台語語料,分析其中[ə]元音的表現。結果發現,語料中出現的42 個以[ə]為韻母的字當中,有19 個出現[ə]、[ɔ]句自由變化(free variation)的現象。統計分析結果顯示,字頻和[ə]、[ɔ]自由變化與否之間,存在顯著相關。出現頻率高的字,容易出現[ə]、[ɔ]自由變化。本文推斷,台語方言之間的接觸,以及台語和華語之間的接觸,可能是造成這項語音變化的原因。This study analyzed the [ə]-rhymed words in the spontaneous speech of 8 speakers in the Tainan dialect of Taiwan Southern Min. The results indicated that among the 42 observed [ə]-rhymed words, [ə]/[ɔ] fee variation was practiced on 19 words, indicating the ongoing collapse of the phonemic contrast between these two vowels in Tainan dialect. In addition, statistical analysis displayed significant correlation between the [ə]/[ɔ] free variation and word frequency. Words of high frequency tends to perform [ə]/[ɔ] free variation.台語閩南語語音變化台商口音字頻台語方言TaiwaneseSouthern Mindialectologysound changeTainan dialectwordfrequen旬" Southern Min dialect以自然語料觀察字頻與語音變化的關係:以台南台語[ə]元音為例