張菀珍2014-10-272014-10-271999-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/18550我國社會教育行政組織歷來皆以官僚組織為主要的運作形成,在面對當代資訊、 經濟、社會急遽變化的社會變遷時,便出現組織功能運轉失靈及行政僵化的弊端,本研究 的目的在探討如何以系統理論進行社會教育行政的革新與轉化,及如何以之因應巨變中的 時代。   本文首先從系統理論、系統分析及其問題解決模式進行探討;其次,就社會教育行政 的環境趨勢及革新發展方向進行分析;最後,依據學習型組織的原則,提出社會教育行政 組織學習轉化的系統思考策略,作為社會教育行政組織革新與轉化的參考。Bureaucracy is the primarily organization style of social education administration in our country. However, faced with the impact of modern information, economic and social change, bureaucracy makes the management function inactively and causes some corruption. The purposes of this paper are to explore how the system theory is used to reform and transform social education administration and adapted to the time change. Firstly, this paper inquires the system theory, system analysis and problem-solving. Secondly, the environment changing and the improvable direction of social education administration are analyzed. Finally, some system thinking strategies are proposes to reform and transform the administration.社會教育行政系統理論系統分析官僚組織學習型組織Social education administrationSystem theoryBureaucracyLearning organization系統理論及其在社會教育行政組織革新與轉化之運用Apply System Theory to Reform and Transform Social Education Administration