王基倫Wang, Chi-Lun謝沛蓁Hsieh, Pei-Chen2022-06-072021-10-252022-06-072021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/ff63caf1960ffa2c7f2094c1a8aeae39/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116438范仲淹在政治、軍事建功立業,在學術文章也影響宋學興盛,其文章以傳道輔政為目的,還能落實在人事,諸如義莊的興設、慶曆新政的主張等。其〈岳陽樓記〉更是立意深遠、寫景生動、抒情真切而聞名天下,無論是上承儒家以民為本的襟懷,向下深化士大夫以天下為己任的使命,閱讀此文,可感受古仁人的胸懷氣度;同時,以文學藝術鑑賞的角度欣賞,〈岳陽樓記〉結構嚴密,善於用物象表達心象,使情感蘊於景色之中;也是現今生命教育,自省面對挫折可以學習的人生哲學,為古今兩岸三地莘莘學子必讀的教材。本研究考察范仲淹作記的歷史背景,針對文本內容和形式進行分析,試圖拓展文本鑑賞的深度與果度。  在范仲淹〈岳陽樓記〉的學術研究探討的成果上,進一步討論在國語文教學現場的運用,拓展教師文本教學的專業知識,並思考如何配合108課綱「核心素養」導向的教學目標,以學生為主體,學習文本細讀的技能,培養作者、文本與讀者的三方面互相對話,使學生更貼近文本,更能同感和運用在自身生活情境中。Fan Zhongyan made contributions in politics and military, and his articles inherited the Confucianism and can be implemented in affairs. His"Yueyang Tower" is famous all over the world for its far-reaching conception, vivid depiction of sceneries, and lyrical truthfulness. Reading this article, you can feel the spirit of ancient intellectual. As a literary and art, "Yueyang Tower” by Fan Zhongyan has a strict structure, and is good at expressing mental images with objects, so that emotions are contained in the scenery. It is also a life philosophy that learned to face frustration. This research studied the historical background of the "Yueyang Tower” and appreciated the literary of it.    Based on the results of the academic research of Fan Zhong-Yan’s "Yueyang Tower”, further discussed in the field of Chinese teaching to expand teachers' professional knowledge.范仲淹岳陽樓記先憂後樂文學鑑賞核心素養Fan ZhongyanYueyang Tower范仲淹〈岳陽樓記〉研究A Study of Yueyang Tower by Fan Zhongyan