廖偉民Liao, Wei-Ming鄭旭貿Cheng, Hsu-Mao2019-09-052015-07-162019-09-052015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060268015T%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103042臺灣竹產業曾是臺灣相當重要的產業之一,曾為臺灣帶來輝煌的經濟效益;然因社會變遷與生活型態的改變,投入於竹產業的人力、物力,相較於過去皆明顯不足,使得臺灣的竹產業逐漸沒落。然而,在全球環保意識抬頭的趨勢下,生長快速的竹子即是一種極具潛力的綠色材質,而臺灣擁有豐富的竹林資源,且在防腐、防蛀、積層竹板等加工技術皆已相當成熟,竹材幾乎可以取代木材以應用於人們的日常生活當中,但由於竹材與竹產業的資訊量複雜且龐大,使人們不易熟悉而缺乏全面性的瞭解,因此本創作研究將以資訊傳達效率良好的資訊圖表(Infographics)作為研究與創作形式,期望能透過資訊圖表以清楚介紹竹材的優勢,並提供觀看者一個重新認識臺灣竹產業的機會。 本研究於文獻探討階段蒐集資訊圖表的與臺灣竹產業的相關資料。並於研究方法階段,以文獻探討法彙整四個資訊圖表設計要素,包含「視覺吸引力」、「視覺動線」、「資訊精簡性」與「資訊正確性」,並針對與本研究具關連性之樣本進行案例分析,以歸納資訊圖表四項設計要素之細項原則。進而於創作階段將臺灣竹產業資訊轉化為十件資訊圖表創作,同時提出影響系列資訊圖表整體表現的設計要素:「視覺一致性」。最後,邀請五十位受測者透過問卷,評估本創作於五項設計要素之表現,藉以驗證創作作品與研究結論相符。本研究希望資訊圖表設計的五項要素與細則,能提供日後進行資訊圖表設計所參考,並能藉由本創作對於臺灣竹產業的介紹,使更多人對於竹材、竹產業有更深入的認識,並樂於體驗臺灣的各種竹文化。Bamboo used to be among the major industries in Taiwan, bringing remarkable economic benefits to this island. With change of lifestyles and society, however, the manpower and material resources poured into this industry are significantly less than in the past. As a result, Taiwan’s bamboo industry has suffered a steep decline in recent decades. With increasing awareness of environmental conservation, bamboo, a fast-growing green plant, is being recognized for its unique properties. Taiwan not only boasts abundant bamboo resources but is skilled in bamboo preservation, bamboo mothproofing and bamboo lamination. Bamboo has actually replaced wood in many aspects of people’s daily life. Considering the fact that information concerning the bamboo-related industry is too complex and enormous for average people to approach on a full scale, the research is presented in the form of infographics with a view to introducing the strengths of bamboo and providing readers with a glimpse into Taiwan’s bamboo industry. The research is composed of three phases: the literature review, the research method and creation. The literature review involves the collection of information graphics and bamboo-related industries in Taiwan while the research method presents four major elements of infographics --- visual attractiveness, visual traffic flow, visual precision and correctness of information --- and is utilized to make a case analysis of relevant samples for the purpose of generalizing the sub-items of the four elements. In the the last phase, ten graphical charts are created based on the information concerning Taiwan’s bamboo industry in an attempt to highlight the role of visual consistency (the fifth element) in infographics. In conclusion, fifty people were asked via a questionnaire to evaluate the creation within the frame of the five elements. By doing so, we hope the creation corresponds to the objective of this research. It is also hoped that the five elements of infographic design as explicated in this research can provide valuable reference for infographics researchers as well as designers and through chart creation (or graphical displays)more people can gain a deeper understanding of bamboo materials and the bamboo industry as well as enjoy experiencing all kinds of bamboo cultures.資訊圖表竹材臺灣竹產業InfographicsBamboo materialsTaiwan’s bamboo product industry資訊圖表應用於臺灣竹產業介紹之創作研究A Study on the Application of Infographics to the Introduction of Bamboo Product Industry in Taiwan