國立臺灣師範大學科技應用與人力資源發展學系;國立臺灣師範大學工業教育學系李隆盛2014-10-302014-10-302001-12-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/35230勞動價值的增加不再單純地依賴技術或技能的提升,更重要的是需要支持勞動背後的「知識」, 此種有別於傳統經濟的新經濟發展,即所謂的「全球化經濟」或「新經濟」。人力資本累積和技術蘊藏的『知識』是促使生產力不斷提升,進而繼續維持經濟成長的關鍵因素。因此,以知識為本位的經濟將改變全球經濟發展的型態。我國面對新經濟發展趨勢,競爭力基礎由單純的勞動生產力轉向知識創造力時,著眼於產業結構轉型與人力資源供需間的關係,規劃因應新經濟發展的人力培育策略,實屬當務之急。透過文獻探討和小組研議,本計畫目的在回答下列問題:(1)當前國內人力需求與培育的現況與展望為何?(2)國內人力培育質量結構是否恰當?其與新經濟發展及就業需求的適配情形又將為何?和(3)為配合新經濟發展與就業市場需求,我國教育與訓練需求有那些短中長程的人力培育策略?本計畫之預期效益如下:(1)瞭解新經濟發展人力培訓與需求配合之現狀。(2)探討新經濟發展人力培育之質量及結構與就業需求之配合問題。(3)研提配合新經濟就業市場需求之彈性培訓策略。The increase of workforce value no longer simply depends on the improvement of skills or technology but the ??彗nowledge.?? The development of new economics, differs from traditional type, is called ??寅lobal Economics?? or ??將ew Economics.?? The accumulation of human capital and the knowledge embracing technology stimulate the productivity, and also be the key factor that maintain the growing economy. Thus, the emerging knowledge-based economy will dominate the model of economic development. Facing the trend of new economic, it is emergency for Taiwan government entrusted this project to draft some workforce preparation strategies to meet new economic development. Through literature review and panel discussion, this project tries to answer the following questions: (1) What is the status quo and prospects of workforce demand and preparation? (2) Is the structure of domestic workforce preparation suitable? What will the fitness situation under the new economic development and job demand? (3) What workforce preparation strategies (short-term, mid-term, and long-term) should the authorities have for new economic development and job demand? The results of this project will: (1) point out the fitness situation between the workforce preparation and demand in the coming new economic era. (2) discuss the structure, quantity, and quality of the workforce preparation in line with job demand. and (3) suggest the flexible preparation strategies for job demand in the coming new economic era.經濟發展人力培育人力資源發展策略Economic DevelopmentWorkforce PreparationHuman Resource Development Strategy因應新經濟發展之人力培育策略研究計畫Workforce Preparation Strategies to Meet New Economic Development