胡益進Hu Yih,Jin李佳蓉Lee Chia, Jung2019-08-282006-1-42019-08-282006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00H1053017%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87406摘要 本研究的主要目的,在了解參與健檢,願自費關心自身健康者在健康概念較充足下,其對身體活動之執行情形,而身體活動可減少許多慢性疾病之發生率,故透過此研究來了解影響身體活動量與身體檢查結果之因素。 研究工具為自編式問卷加上IPAQ中文版短版自填式問卷,研究對象為至某醫學中心參與自費身體健康檢查之受檢者,有效樣本共250人,所得資料經統計分析後之結論如下: 一、環境分布情形 環境之場合與設備以公共活動場地平均有三種,其利用率都在一星期兩次左右;環境安全部份針對居家環境交通量大、散步時車子停放太多,街道上貓狗糞便之問題,社區中公共活動設備之不足外,其餘均顯示滿意。 二、身體活動與其他因素之關係 身體活動與社會人口學變項中40-50歲、退休及家庭主婦之無業者及健康自覺非常好者有最多之身體活動,身體活動與環境因素之設備有無未達顯著之關係,但有設備者較無設備者有較多之身體活動;身體活動與環境利用之頻率及環境安全有部分相關,與膽固醇有負相關,與高血壓有正相關。 三、健檢結果與其他因素之關係 女性三酸甘油脂、高密度膽固醇、飯前血糖、身體質量指數較男性好,膽固醇、低密度膽固醇、舒張血壓及收縮血壓會因年齡越高,而顯的異常,教育程度與膽固醇及高密度膽固醇有正相關。 四、與身體活動有相關之預測力 依研究結果顯示對身體活動預測力之高低分別為公設場所使用頻率、健康自覺、自費場所使用頻率及環境安全等,變項對身體活動量的解釋力為17.3%(P<0.001)達統計之顯著水準。 。 關鍵字:身體活動、健康檢查、International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ)ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the physical activity status of people understanding healthily examines. The physical activity may reduce rate of the chronic disease, according to this study understands the influence of physical active amount and the factor of the healthily examines result.   The instrument used in the study was developed by researcher and International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) short self- administered form in Chinese. There were 250 samples in this study. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1.Situation of environment distributed: The environment most equally had three kinds by the public active location, its using rate all about week of two. The environment safety parts of this study were that the environment volume of traffic was heavy, the vehicle parks too many in walking side, the question of the cat and dog excrement on street, the public active equipment is insufficient in the community. 2.Physical activity and other factor relations: There were 40-50 year old, retired , not having of industry, the housewife and self-health wellness had more physical activity. The physical activity and the equipment of environmental factor had not achieved significant difference. The more environmental equipment, the more physical activity they had. The physical activity, the environment equipment use frequency and the environment safety had positive correlation. The physical activity with the cholesterol had negative correlation, and with the hypertension had positive correlation. 3.The result of healthily examines and other factor relations: Three acids glyceride, the HDL, the before meals blood sugar, the BMI of females were better than male. The cholesterol, the LDL, the systolic pressure and the diastolic pressure can be higher because of age. The education level and the cholesterol and the HDL have positive correlation. 4.Public environment equipment use frequency, self-health wellness , self- pay of environment equipment use frequency, the environment safety were the important predicted variance of physical activity, can be explained as 17.3% of the variation of physical activity(P<0.001). Key word: physical activity, health examination, International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ)身體活動健康檢查International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ)physical activityhealth examinationInternational Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ)影響身體活動量與健檢結果相關因素之研究