劉克立Liu , Ko-Li彭碃貽Peng , Ching-Yi2019-09-04不公開2019-09-042009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694700109%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/99013本研究旨在探討臺灣地區彰化縣公立高級工業職業學校機械科學生學習滿意度,本研究有四大構面,分別為:(一)教師教學活動、(二)課程內容、(三)學習環境、(四)人際關係。 本研究主要採用問卷調查法,實施對象為九十七學年度五所彰化縣公立高職機械科學生,共1028名學生為母群體,採分層隨機抽樣,每校每年級各一班的學生,進行問卷調查,共565名學生為施測對象。實際回收樣本問卷565份,無效樣本問卷20份,總計有效樣本數545份,可用率為96.46%。本研究結果如下: 1.於學生整體滿意度:傾向於「滿意」。 2.於教師教學活動構面:以年級、未來升學意向、未來就業意向、家 族中有無機械背景指導者,有明顯差異。 3.於課程設計構面:以年級、未來升學意向、未來就業意向、母親教育程 度、母親職業行業別、每週複習一般科目時間、每週複習專業科目時間, 有明顯差異。 4.於學習環境構面:以年級、學校機械科總班級數、未來升學意向、未來 就業意向、家族中有無機械領域背景指導者,有明顯差異。 5.於人際關係構面:以未來升學意向、未來就業意向、家族中有無機械背 景指導者、母親教育程度、母親職業行業別、每週複習一般科目時間、 每週複習專業科目時間,有明顯差異。 關鍵字:高職機械科、學習滿意度Abstract The purpose of this study is to discuss on students’ learning satisfaction in Mechanical Department of Public Vocational High School in the Zhanghua County of Taiwan, there are four major contents of this study:(1)teaching activities of teachers,(2) the content of the course,(3)the learning environment,(4)interpersonal relationships. This study used the survey methods, the students form five of the Mechanical Department of Public Vocational High Schools in the Zhanghua County are the objects of the implementation, the population is a total of 1028 students, random sampling of each grade, carry out the survey to one class of each grade form each school, a total subjects are 565 students. The numbers of the actual recovery survey are 565, 20 of them were invalid samples, a total number of the effective samples were 545, the availability is 96.46%. The results of this study are as follows: 1. The overall student satisfaction: inclined to "satisfied." 2. In the structure of the teacher’s teaching activities: there are significant differences on the grades, the intensions to enter a higher school, the intensions to obtain employment, is there any guidance of a machinery background in the family. 3. In the structure of the curriculum design: there are significant difference on the grades, the intensions to enter a higher school, the intensions to obtain employment, is there any guidance of a machinery background in the family, the educational degree of the mothers, the professional sectors of the mothers, the time spend on reviewing general subjects per week, the time spend on reviewing professional courses. 4. In the structure of the learning environment : there are significant differences on the grades, the total numbers of the classes of the Mechanical Department in school, the intensions to enter a higher school, the intensions to obtain employment, is there any guidance of a machinery background in the family. 5. In the structure of the interpersonal relationships: there are significant differences on the intensions to enter a higher school, the intensions to obtain employment, is there any guidance of a machinery background in the family, the educational degree of the mothers, the professional sectors of the mothers, the time spend on reviewing general subjects per week, the time spend on reviewing professional courses. Key words:Mechanical Department of Public Vocational High School , Students’ Learning Satisfaction高職機械科學習滿意度Mechanical Department of Public Vocational High SchoolStudents’Learning Satisfaction彰化縣公立高職機械科學生學習滿意度之研究A Study on Students’ Learning Satisfaction in Public Mechanical Department of Vocational High School in the Zhanghua County