李和莆Lee, Wen-Pin hope李佩璇Lee, Pay Shuyan2023-12-082023-08-142023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/128ee0c4265cb766dd3adfabc1fb0c39/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118756音樂版權是音樂產業中最重要的資產,但是版權的保護、維護及保存一直以來都是業界最複雜且困難的問題。而在全球音樂產業中,串流音樂媒體收入包括廣告、付費購買(下載)、付費訂閱及週邊等,早在2019年就超過了總收入的一半,並且持續成長中,已然成為全球音樂產業最主要營收來源,但是相關分潤與權益不清,混沌不明爭議不斷。而區塊鏈日益成熟完善,研究者認為可以透過新創平台,或者與現有音樂串流平台對接合作,將區塊鏈技術應用在以下方面來增進:例如通過智能合約來確定版權擁有者,實現版權資產的數位化,並能夠自動執行版權授權、使用權收益分配等功能,提高版權管理效率;其次,也可以用來追蹤音樂數據和收益。通過資產追蹤和數據共享功能,實現音樂數據和收益的全面監控,減少不必要的紛爭和爭議;還可以用來實現音樂創作和分發的去中心化,讓創作者和用戶之間直接交流和交易,降低中間環節的成本和風險,讓交易過程更加透明、公正、高效,保護音樂權益人的合法收益與權利。區塊鏈技術還可以應用於許多方面如售票和商品交易等。研究者認為未來區塊鏈技術在台灣流行音樂產業中若能有產官學界人士都積極投入應用並團隊合作,將為音樂產業帶來更高收益與便利,簡化音樂版權的保護和維存,實現音樂數據和收益的全面追蹤,促進音樂產業的整體產值向上發展,進而提昇產業全面走向科技化,與世界接軌。Music copyrights are the most important asset in the music industry, but copyright protection and maintenance have always been the most complex and difficult issues. As early as 2019, streaming music media revenues including advertising, paid purchases or downloads, paid subscriptions, and peripherals, have exceeded half of the total revenues in the global music industry and continue to grow, making it the most significant source of revenue in it. But the profit and rights sharing is always confusing and controversial.Following the more mature development of blockchain technology, the researcher believes that it can be applied to the following areas through building new platforms, or cooperation with existing music streaming platforms. One example is identifying copyright owners through intellectual contracts, digitizing copyright assets, and automation of copyright licensing and royalty revenue distribution, to improve the efficiency of copyright management. Secondly, blockchain technology can also be used to track music data and revenue. Comprehensive monitoring of music data and revenue can be achieved through asset tracking and data-sharing capabilities. Blockchain technology can also be used to execute the decentralization of music creation and distribution, allowing direct communication and transaction between authors and users, reducing the cost and risk of intermediate links, improving the efficiency of creation and distribution, and making the transaction process more transparent, fair, and efficient. It also protects the legitimate income and rights of music rights holders.Blockchain technology can also be applied to many aspects such as ticketing and commodity trading. The researcher believes that if blockchain technology can be actively applied in the popular music industry of Taiwan by industry-government-university, it will bring higher benefits and convenience to the industry, simplify the protection and maintenance of music copyrights, realize the comprehensive tracking of music data and revenue, promote the overall development of value in the music industry, and further enhance the overall technological development of the industry, and convergence with the world.區塊鏈智能合約著作權音樂產業非同質化代幣分潤機制串流音樂BlockchainIntellectual ContractsCopyrightMusic IndustryNon-Fungible Token ( NFT)Profit-sharing MechanismStreaming Music區塊鏈技術於臺灣流行音樂產業智權與維權之應用The Application of Blockchain Technology in Intellectual Property and Rights Protection in the Popular Music Industryreport_art