柯正峯博士張素真Chang Su-Jen2019-08-292008-2-262019-08-292008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0093023104%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92214論文摘要 金山地區的外籍配偶與日俱增,影響層面逐漸寬廣,外籍配偶離鄉背景,需要迅速融入臺灣社會,希望來臺的家庭生活幸福和樂,降低各種足以衍生社會問題的各種相關因素,已成為政府、非營利組織與外籍配偶家庭相當重視的課題。外籍配偶的生活適應與人際關係婆媳關係、教養問題,更是關係家庭和諧的關鍵因素。 本研究目的擬定探討下列問題: 一、瞭解金山地區外籍配偶的家庭生活適應現況。 二、瞭解金山地區外籍配偶的社會生活適應現況。 三、金山地區外籍配偶學習與子女教育現況。 四、探討金山地區外外籍配偶生活適應解決途徑 本研究採用訪談法,訪談以質性研究為主軸,選取五位來臺時間不一的外籍配偶,進行訪談,經過資料檢核分析討論後發現: 一、外籍配偶抵臺初期對先生的依賴性頗高。 二、外籍配偶初抵來臺,沒有經濟自主權,但語言能力逐漸可以與人互動後,經濟能力自主權逐漸提昇。 三、人際關係中由內而外逐步擴展,參加成人教育班的人際關係優於比沒參加者。 四、生活適應能力隨著人際關係同步發展,交互影響。 五、妥協性的婚姻關係與夫妻年齡的差距過大,導致家暴機率升高。 基於研究所得,本研究整理出以下建議事項,作為規劃及協助提升外籍配偶生活適應能力之參考依據。 一、提供語言與終身學習,以利其社會適應與文化融入 (一)、廣設社區化「外籍配偶」識字專班 (二)、依需求設計之識字課程 (三)、友善互動學習的環境 (四)、多元語言與文化之觀點 (五)、定期實施師資在職訓練 (六)、發展以新女性移民為主的解放教育教材 (七)、鼓勵外籍配偶參與學習各種成長團體 (八)、加強招生與行銷策略 (九)、建議教育部訂定外籍配偶識字標準 二、去除社會歧視,落實國人對外籍配偶的尊重態度 三、設立專責機構,提供對外籍配偶的單一窗口服務 四、結合民間機構,辦理外籍配偶的家庭支持服務 五、正視外籍配偶的家暴問題,強化家庭暴力的防治與宣導 關鍵字:外籍配偶、生活適應Abstract As a teacher devoted her foreign spouse time to teaching and administration in elementary schools at her native home village area near by Taipei city, the researcher has experienced the drastic demographical change and its impact in our society structure as a result of the open policy towards inter-ethnic marriages during these two decades. There is an urgent need to implement certain policies or measures which can help these family members to integrate into a dynamic- balanced, harmonious and brand new society. By use of an intensive questionnaire survey process, following points were explored : 1. More reality or true stories behind each foreign spouse can be told for the interviewer having better relationships with them. 2. Each foreign spouse brought in almost nothing of financial valuables when married to her Taiwanese husband, then got richer and became much more economically independent as she learned skills improving her human relationships with the people surrounding her. 3. Usually, foreign spouses having better capability in spoken Mandarin really help their financial status a lot. 4. Those wives, participating actively in special courses designed for help them in many aspects, are found living in a better situation. 5. Family abuse tends to occur more frequently in the inequity marriages. 6. It is necessary to establish a net work teams up with government resources, legislative institutions, education / training institutions, social workers, medical institutions, security institutions, counseling psychologists, non-profit organizations and volunteers so that families of this category can get proper assistance on time. 7. Establishing an expertise hotline providing an immediate consultant response to the problems/questions for foreign spouses is an urgent need. 8. Genuine love and respect showing from the husband family towards the foreign spouse can always be encouraged to perform much better than expectations. Keywords: foreign spouse life adaptation外籍配偶生活適應foreign spouselife adaptation臺北縣金山地區外籍配偶生活適應之研究The life adaptation of the foreign spouses in Jin-Shan