余鑑于俊傑Yu, ChienYu, Chin-Chieh蘇淑美Su, Shu-Mei2019-09-032017-8-102019-09-032012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0098712104%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96604依公務人員任用法規定,公務人員依官等及職等任用之。委任為第一至第五職等;薦任為第六至第九職等;簡任為第十至第十四職等。委任、薦任、簡任職分別為初、中、高階公務人員。銓敘部99年底全國公務人力資料庫統計,行政機關簡薦委任的公務人員,簡任只占0.06%,比例極低。本文為探討高階公務人員向上政治行為的內涵與影響,藉由實地訪談行政機關七位簡任第10職等以上高階公務人員以深入瞭解其與上司互動如何向上影響、向上管理,而與長官互動的良窳對個人的影響為何?研究者根據訪談錄音檔繕打逐字稿,再經由反覆閱讀逐字稿的內容萃取出關鍵字進行編碼,最後歸納分析出以下結論:(1)高階公務人員向上政治行為有訴諸專業、理性說服、建立形象、提供完整資訊、依法行政、建立情誼、婉轉迂迴、友善讚美、站在長官立場思考、服從等方式。其中以訴諸專業、理性說服使用的頻率最高,也是被認為公務人員最必須具備的能力。(2) 男女性高階公務人員運用向上政治行為的頻率與方法並沒有明顯差異。(3) 高階公務人員向上政治行為使用頻率高低會因其使用效果而增減。(4) 高階公務人員大都認為與長官互動良好對個人工作表現和績效有正向作用,而且多數受訪者贊同得到長官的賞識有助於個人資源的取得、能力的提升或職務的升遷。本研究的結果希望提供各行政機關管理者與其他公務人員職場與上司互動之參考。In accordance with the provisions of Civil Service Employment Act, the civil servants are appointed by official ranks and grades. Junior appointed as the first to fifth grade; Associate the sixth to ninth grade; Senior the tenth to fourteenth grade. Junior, Associate and Senior positions represent the rank junior, middle and senior civil servants. According to the statistics of national official human database of Ministry of Civil Service by the end of year 2010, Senior position accounted for only 0.06% among all the civil servants in the administrative organizations and this ratio is very low. This article is to explore how the interaction between Senior Civil Servants and their superiors influences and manages up, to find out the meaning and impact of their upward political behavior by field interviewing seven senior civil servants. Researchers typed with the audio files of interviews, and extract keywords to encode by reading verbatim repeatedly, then finally summarized and analyzed the following conclusions: (1) Senior civil servants' upward political behavior has to resort to profession, rational persuasion, image building, complete information providing, administration by law, the establishment of friendship, devious mildly, praise friendly, thinking on the position of superiors, obedience, etc. Among all the mentioned methods, profession and rational persuasion are the most frequently used, and are believed the most important ability to the civil servants. (2) There is no significant difference in using upward political behavior between male and female senior civil servants. (3) The frequency of using upward political behavior for senior civil servants increases or decreases according to the effect of use. (4) The senior civil servants believe that there will be a positive benefit on the personal development by maintaining good relations with superiors, and most of the respondents agree with that superior's appreciation helps the acquisition of personal resources, the ability to upgrade or job promotion. We hope to provide the reference for the administrative managers and other public servants who interact with superiors in the workplace by the result of this study.行政機關高階公務人員向上政治行為administrative agencysenior civil serviceupward political behavior高階公務人員向上政治行為之研究The Research of Upward Political Behavior of Senior Civil