莊連東Chuang, Lien-Tung李德珍Lee, Te-Chen2022-06-072021-06-212022-06-072021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/38d710ca4753c7ba25f4061e9692f9d2/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116369筆者生長在臺灣台北,透過花的藝術從一月到十二月能畫出代表臺灣月份的花朵,展現花的美麗、花的色彩、花的姿態,用詩、情、畫、意表達花的精神和生命,讓人能賞心悅目、心曠神怡,宣揚臺灣每個月花開茂盛的美。本論文內容有五大章,第一章緒論,第二章透過「花卉」、「圖像」表達人的感情,討論花的圖像表徵與意涵和代表畫家;第三章創作理念與方法,闡述個人的創作主要理念與題材意涵,創作方法與形式構成,創作步驟與媒材技法;第四章作品分析,以臺灣十二個月份代表花卉和搭配的動物、鳥類、家禽、兩棲動物、昆蟲等作為創作主題,分析其各自代表之意涵;最後為第五章的結論。從突破傳統藝術到多元化的創新,不只畫面、技巧、構圖、佈局及色彩的變化栩栩如生和用到特殊技法,都要有創新的理念和思維才能完成一件好作品。對於未來能繼續致力繪畫,求新、求變、求好,並努力更上層樓。The author grew up in Taipei, Taiwan and deeply loves the land. Through arts of flowers, she painted each kind of them which represented Taiwan from January to December demonstrating the flowers’ beauty, colors and stances and expressing the spirit and life of flowers with poets, emotions, painting and meanings. The purpose is to promote the blooming beauty of representative flower of each month in Taiwan which is delightful and refreshing.The content of this dissertation comprises five chapters. Chapter one is introduction. In chapter two, the author discussed characterization and meanings and most acclaimed painters through “flower” and “image” expressing human feelings. Chapter three is about main ideas and techniques. The author elaborated the thoughts and subject matter, creation methods and formal composition, procedures and media techniques. Chapter four is about work analysis. The author employed twelve months’ representative flowers along with animals, birds, poultry, amphibian and insects as her creative theme. Chapter five is conclusion.From tradition-breaking to diversified innovation, the author applied creative ideas and thinking not only to picture, techniques, composition and layout but also to lively color changes and special skills to complete good works. To pursuit newness, change and excellence, she will continue to be dedicated to painting in the future to advance to upper level.水墨創作臺灣花卉花鳥畫Ink wash creationFlowers of TaiwanPainting of birds& flowers臺灣十二月花.畫.話—李德珍水墨創作論述Flowers, Paintings and words of Twelve months of Taiwan–Te-Chen Lee's Discussion on Ink Wash Creation