洪顯超Hsien-chao Hung陳俐陵Li-ling Chen2020-12-102010-2-52020-12-102010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696600339%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115394本研究有鑒於宗教及宗教藝術與現代人脫節的現況,以「佛教繪畫創作之現代轉型」作為理論探討與創作實踐之核心目標,利用理論研究及比較方法,探索傳統佛教繪畫與現代的差異關係以及結合的可能性,以佛教本身的核心觀念給予佛教繪畫現代化支持,主張宗教藝術在心態上應併入社會多元框架並在創作實踐上結合現代藝術的創作理念,以達到其現代化目的。 其次,進一步探討佛教繪畫與其他現代繪畫不同的超越特質,包括「自利利他」的創作目的、傾向於追求「崇高」感、啟發自覺思考的內容特色,更針對傳統佛教藝術的慣用視覺形式進行反思,提出實際改革手法諸如神情與姿態的生動傳達、單純統一的色調與多層次的處理、簡單且具設計感的裝飾、靈活多變的構圖、單純化的背景、現代物與流行觀念的結合等,這些作法能支持筆者本身對於畫面統一與融合的美感要求,在這樣單純卻深沉的觀念訴求與精緻的畫面處理手法之下,有效達到時間性、空間性價值延長的效果。 以這次佛教觀念與現代觀念的謀合和佛教現代化趨勢的整體探討結果,筆者認為佛教藝術現代化是可能的,佛教繪畫的現代轉型能將佛教藝術重新帶進現代的視野,開發出真正屬於自我風格的、真正屬於這個時代大眾的現代佛教繪畫,引起現代人的關注和思考,更帶給現代水墨創作領域一個新的區塊和新的啟發。This research is referring to both of theory discussion and creation pursuing for “The Modernizing Transformation of Buddhist Paining”, since the art of religion seems not close enough to most of the people nowadays. In order to discuss traditional Buddhist painting and the possibilities of modernization, the author advocates that the core value of Buddhist is surely support Buddhist painting’s modernizing. The author proposes that religious art should be part of multicultural society, combine the creative thinking of modern art, and be more attractive to popular. Furthermore, the research describe the special surpass characteristics of Buddhist painting are so different from other modern paintings, This includes the purpose of Buddhist painting creation “Egoism and Altruism”, “sublime” atmosphere, and awake internal thinking of oneself. Moreover, this research tries to reverse traditional vision to Buddhist painting. That’s why the author proposes realistic and revolutionary skills to deliver the vivid expression and lively gesture of Buddha, using pure but unified tone of color, and multi-gradation painting skills, simple but designed ornament, flexible and variable composition, simplified background, combined with fashionable goods and concept. All of these support to unify and compound painting appearance, the sense of beauty is strongly required by the researcher. With succinct but deeply design, delicate skill and process, the painting can be expressed with the sense of long lasting time and space. After combining Buddhism theory and modernization concept study, plus the trend of Buddhism modernization, the author made a conclusion: The art of Buddhist can be modernized. The Modernizing Transformation of Buddhist Paining may redefine the Buddhist arts and bring it into a new vision. A totally different painting style will be developed. The author hopes that the Buddhist painting can go into modern life of people, get people’s attention and thinking, and finally lead Chinese painting to a new era.佛教繪畫現代轉型超越特質水墨創作Buddhist painingmodernizing transformationsurpass characteristicsChinese painting creation佛教繪畫創作之現代轉型-陳俐陵水墨創作研究論述The Modernizing Transformation of Buddhist Paining - A Discussion and Research of Chinese Painting Created by Li-ling Chen