陳學志Chen, Hsueh-Chih楊士朋Yang, Shi-Peng2020-12-142020-06-172020-12-142020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0007A02101%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110151 本研究旨在了解影響高中生參與國文科情意寫作表現之變項,並編製一份適用於高中學生的「寫作自我效能量表」,進而了解高中生創造傾向、創造思考、寫作自我效能與情意寫作表現之關係。 本研究以臺北市72名高一學生為預試對象,透過預試結果進行探索性因素分析,在篩選題項後編成「寫作自我效能量表」。之後以臺北市、新北市、桃園市之三所公立高中264名高一學生為正式取樣來源,以自編的「寫作自我效能量表」、「威廉斯創造性傾向量表」、「新編創造思考測驗──竹筷子的不尋常用途」、「大學學測國文寫作測驗參考試卷〈二十年後的同學會〉」、「情意寫作評分表」為研究工具,藉由結構方程模型考驗高中生創造傾向、創造思考、寫作自我效能與情意寫作表現之間的相關性。依統計分析結果,獲得以下結論: 一、本研究針對高中生發展之「寫作自我效能量表」共分「寫作構思」、「寫作體例」及「寫作自我調節」三個向度,具有理想之信效度,包含: (一)內部一致性極佳,總量表之Cronbach’s α值達.944。 (二)再測信度穩定,隔三週後檢驗,總量表之相關係數達.844,達顯著水準。 (三)效標關聯效度良好,與「國中小學習動機量表預期分量表」之相關係數為.710,與參與學生「情意寫作成績」之相關係數為.426,與參與學生「國文學期成績」之相關係數為.205,均達顯著水準。 (四)以正式樣本進行驗證性因素分析顯示,各題項測量之因素符合理論構念,在整體模式適配度、聚斂效度、組合信度、區辨效度方面,均可得實徵資料支持。 二、本研究檢驗「高中生創造力、寫作自我效能與情意寫作表現」之假設模式,結果如下: (一)在直接效果方面:1.高中生的創造傾向對其寫作自我效能具有顯著正相關;2.高中生的創造傾向對其創造思考具有顯著正相關;3.高中生的創造思考對其寫作自我效能具有顯著正相關;4.高中生的寫作自我效能對其情意寫作表現有顯著正相關;5.高中生的創造思考對其情意寫作表現有顯著正相關。 (二)在中介效果方面:1.高中生的創造傾向透過創造思考之中介,對其情意寫作表現有顯著正相關;2.高中生的創造傾向透過寫作自我效能之中介,對其情意寫作表現有顯著正相關;3.高中生的創造思考能力透過寫作自我效能之中介,對其情意寫作表現有顯著正相關。 (三)在整體效果方面,寫作自我效能對情意寫作表現的效果最強,其次為創造思考,創造傾向則為最弱。 最後,依據研究結果,本研究針對高中教師之情意寫作教學與後續研究提出建議。In this study, the researcher chose 72 tenth-grade students from Taipei City as participants to construct the Writing Self-efficacy Scale for senior high school students in Taiwan, and then selected 264 tenth-grade students from three senior high schools in Taipei City, New Taipei City and Taoyuan City as participants to investigate the relationship among senior high school students’ creative tendency, creative thinking, writing self-efficacy and affectionate writing performance. For analyzing the relationship of above variables, the researcher used the Writing Self-efficacy Scale constructed in this study, The Williams Creative Tendency Scale, The New Tests of Creative Thinking and the affectionate writing pilot test question of General Scholastic Ability Test (GSAT) as research tools, and the statistical methods of description, Pearson’s product-moment correlation analysis, structural equation modeling path analysis were used for data analysis. The major finding of this study were as follows: 1. The Writing Self-efficacy Scale consisted of three sections, which were writing ideation, writing conventions, and writing self-regulation. The Cronbach alpha value and the test-retest reliability of this scale indicated great internal consistency reliability and stability. The criterion-related validity were acceptable when taking the learning motivation expectation performance, the affectionate writing grade and the Chinese learning grade as criterions. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that this scale had reasonable construct validity. 2.This study tested the hypothetical affectionate writing performance model on senior high school students, the results revealed as follows: (1)Direct effect: Creative tendency and writing self-efficacy were significantly positive related. Creative tendency and creative thinking were significantly positive related. Creative thinking and writing self-efficacy were significantly positive related. Writing self-efficacy and affectionate writing performance were significantly positive related. Creative thinking and affectionate writing performance were significantly positive related. (2)Indirect effect: Creative tendency and affectionate writing performance intermediated by creative thinking were significantly positive related. Creative tendency and affectionate writing performance intermediated by writing self-efficacy were significantly positive related. Creative thinking and affectionate writing performance intermediated by writing self-efficacy were significantly positive related. (3)Total effect: The effect size of writing self-efficacy to affectionate writing performance was the largest, the effect size of creative thinking to affectionate writing performance was the second, and the effect size of creative tendency to affectionate writing performance was the smallest. Finally, according to the conclusion, the researcher provided suggestions for affectionate writing instruction and research in the future.情意寫作表現創造傾向創造思考寫作自我效能affectionate writing performancecreative tendency creative thinkingwriting self-efficacy高中生創造力、寫作自我效能與情意寫作表現的相關性The Relationship among Creativity, Writing Self-efficacy, and Affectionate Writing Performance of Senior High School Students