溫振華WEN,CHEN-HUA方素娥FAN,SHU-ER2019-08-292013-8-252019-08-292010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693260059%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93284藉由一個山村聚落的歷史建構與傳遞,地方小歷史有其特殊作用與價值,特別是經由在地人的口述、蒐集、拍攝、製作,不僅能記錄地方的文史與日常生活,從庶民觀點看待社會與歷史的變遷,同時也蒐羅並保留被忽略,甚至遺忘的地方歷史與文化,這也是傳統的、主流的歷史學者足跡罕至的邊陲地帶,但都是尋常百姓生活中的點點滴滴,雖然細碎,卻是底層社會的主體和生命的核心。 小歷史的生產與再生除了可作為在地認同的基礎,同時亦能有機會將影像及記憶傳遞延續其時間與空間性,作為在地民眾與各地社群分享文化經驗的重要媒介。 本論文是一篇探討聚落發展過程的地方研究,以台北縣雙溪鄉泰平村作為主要研究場域,研究方法上採取地方的歷史文獻、重要家族族譜、各相關研究論文、書籍、老照片蒐集、地方耆老與居民的深度訪談和生活記憶等來進行場所的解讀與書寫,基本上仍以歷史學研究方法為主,企盼從人文主義的在地觀點出發,透過社會空間與空間生產論述,重建出此一區域的開發歷程及社會變遷。 本研究以歷史的向度切入,來看泰平聚落獨特的空間發展歷程,透過文獻記載與歷史事件來瞭解泰平各時期的變化,接著以產業、宗族兩部分作為探討聚落起源的依據,來說明泰平如何在時代變遷中,取得生存的契機。宗教信仰因儀式的過程而產生神聖空間,無形中影響聚落而形成錯綜的社會網絡。交通與產業則點出聚落在現代化過程中的擴展與衰退,及劃入台北水源特定區對本地的衝擊。 最後,本研究之結論如下: 1.地方的變遷動力雖然改變了土地和產業,然而,聚落百年來的發展之下仍留存了建築、宗教儀式與漢人傳統的堅忍精神,持續在這片土地生活下去。 2.在移民開墾時期受自然環境條件嚴苛之影響;在都市計劃時期則因計畫道路的開通造成人口流失加劇;休閒農業的推廣因水源特定區的開發限制,雖帶來交通便利卻留不住消費。 3.泰平位居台北縣邊陲,環境清幽,實為ㄧ處休閒遊憩、退休養老的好地方,然台北水源特定區的設置,伴隨而來的種種開發限制,卻是讓地方發展停滯的絆腳石。 4.透過對聚落做深度的紀錄與描述,幫助地方掌握空間的深層意義,並以此作為地方的認同與歸屬,在未來的發展與想像上能尋求一種在地性的文化視角。By way of the historical construction and propagation of the village, the history of the region has its special function and value, especially when it is narrated, collected, filmed and produced by local residents, which can not only record the local literature, history , daily life and the change of the society and the history from the viewpoint of common people but also collect and keep those local history and culture often ignored and forgotten. Usually,traditional and so-called mainstream historians do not care about this, but it means a lot to ordinary people, and it is also the main part at the bottom of the society and the core of life. The construction and annotation about the history of the region can be the foundation of the local identity; at the same time,it is able to pass the picture and memory to prolong its time and space as an important medium for local residents to share their culture experience with the crowd everywhere. This thesis is a local research on the process of the village development. We take Taiping Village, Shuangsi Township, Taipei County as the main research field. As to the methods of research, we take the historical documents in the region, important genealogies, related thesises, books, old photos and interviews with the elderly and the residents of the region, including their memory of life to explain and describe the space, but basically we still put emphasis on historical approaches, hoping to start with the local viewpoint of humanism and reconstruct the development process and social transition of the region through the statement of social space and space production. The research is studied from the historical aspect so as to explain the particular development process of space in Taiping Village, and we can understand the transitions of all periods in it through documents and historical events. And then, we take both the industries and the families as the basis for discussing the origin of the village, which explains how people in Taiping survive with the time transition. The religious belief produces sacred space in the process of ceremonies, which may influence the village unconsciously and form a complicated social network. Traffic and industries point out the expansion and recession of the village in the process of modernization and the impact on being alloted to the Taipei Water Area. At last, the conclusions of the research are as follows: 1. The transition of the region has changed the land and its industry; however, for many hundred years of development, the village has still maintained its buildings, religious ceremonies and the perseverance of the Han people, and has kept living on the piece of land. 2. During the period of immigration, people were influenced by terrible environment; during the period of the city project, the loss of population has become worse with the roads built one after another; the promotion of leisure farming brings traffic convenience but fails to attract visitors. 3. Taiping, located on the outskirts of Taipei County, is a quiet and secluded place suitable for the aged. However, with the establishment of the Taipei Water Area, various kinds of restrictions have limited the village development. 4. Through deeper record and description of the village, we would like to help local people hold the deeper meaning of space and take this as the local identity to be in search of the local culture aspect in the prospective development and imagination.雙溪鄉泰平村丘陵聚落聚落發展產業發展文化變遷Taiping VillageShuangshi Townshiphill villagehill developmentindustrial developmentculture transition雙溪鄉泰平村丘陵聚落的產業發展與文化變遷The Industrial Development and Culture Transition of Hill Village in Taiping, Shuangsi Township