侯美珍Ho, Mei-chen2014-10-272014-10-272014-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/14442本論文以明代鄉、會試《詩經》義試題的整理為基礎,藉由明代會試61 科、237 道試題,以及337 種鄉試錄、1340 道試題進行研究。運用歷史文獻分析法、統計法,探究不同時期《詩經》試題的長短、試題在各類中的分布。立足於統計數據,結合歷史文獻加以考察,以掌握考官出題的傾向、偏重,並說明偏重的原因,及其對士人選經、《詩經》科舉用書編纂的影響。Many exam questions in Xingshi and Huishi in the Ming-imperial exam were from Shijin.This study focuses on the exam questions based on 237 questions from 61 Huishis and 1340 questions from 337 Xingshis. It applies historical bibliography citation analysis and statistical methods to sort out the exam questions that came from Shijin. It can probe into not only the length of the exam questions, but also the types and distribution. With the statistics and historical bibliography combined, the tendency and preference of the examiners can be figured out. Furthermore, the reasons of preference can be explicated, also the effects on examinees,choosing one of the Five Classics for the exam, and on the compilation of Shijin reference books for the imperial examination can be understood.明代科舉鄉試會試出題《詩經》Imperial Examination in the Ming DynastyXiangshiHuishiexam questionthe Book of Odes明代鄉會試《詩經》義出題的考察A study of the exam question on the classic of poetry in the provincial and metropolitan examinations during the Ming Dynasty