廖鳳瑞Fong-Ruey Liaw萊素珠Lai, Su-Chu2019-08-282008-8-192019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0890060042%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87149本研究目的是透過生態系統理論,探討兩歲兒從家庭進入幼兒園的經驗歷程。目前有關從家庭進入幼兒園的研究,大都以三歲以上幼兒為對象,並且探究的場所侷限在幼兒園,對於家庭在整個過程中的角色鮮少探究。因此,本研究從家庭準備讓兩歲兒進入幼兒園之前、到剛入幼兒園之際,以及進入幼兒園一段時間之後等不同的階段,針對家庭和幼兒園兩場所間的連結及兩歲兒的經驗歷程進行探究。 本研究主要以兩位兩歲兒及其家庭與進入的幼兒園為研究對象及場域,採取質性派典之個案研究取向,以家庭觀察與幼兒園觀察及訪談、文件蒐集等方式蒐集資料,透過主題分析法分析資料。研究發現不同階段中,兩歲兒和家庭與幼兒園交織出(1)未成曲調先有情;(2)迎向新生活界域;(3)再定位自己的存有等三個主題內涵。研究結論如下: 壹、銜接不僅是策略而已,更是氣質、先前經驗與所有關係網的總和 貳、重視垂直銜接之外,同時也要關注水平銜接 參、「活動」是幼兒園適應良窳的重要機制 肆、幼兒的發展是不同場所間交互作用的結果 伍、鼓勵一對一、個人化溝通的幼兒園政策會有利兩歲兒的適應 基於上述結論,本研究分別針對幼兒園、有兩歲兒要上幼兒園的家庭、師資培育機構及後續研究等,提出相關建議做為參考。The purpose of this research was to understand the preparations of two-year-old children to attend preschools from the perspectives of the ecological system theory. In previous research, most researchers focused on studying children’s preschool experiences after age at three, and how preschools assisted children to accommodate with their conflicts in preschools. Unfortunately, only a few research studied the family’s roles in the transitions of their children attending preschools. It was important to examine the relationships between the roles of families and schools when young children attended preschools. Therefore, this study discussed the connection between young children’s experience at home and their practices in preschools, and the transition when they attended preschool through three different time periods. This was a qualitative research conducted by a case study. Observations, interviews, and reviews of relevant documents were used for the data collection, and the thematic analysis was used for the data analysis. The participants were two young children at the age of two, their families, and preschools. The conclusions of this study were divided into three themes which were (a) preparations before attending preschools, (b) transitions of having a new life, (c) redefine the position in preschool. The following statements were the major results in this study: 1. The transitions were support systems rather than strategies. 2. Both vertical transitions and horizontal transitions were important. 3. Curriculum activities were important elements during the transitions. 4. Children’s developments resulted from the interaction with different environments. 5. The individual communication between children and teachers, or teachers and parents helped children to familiar with the new environment. These findings can be suggestions for parents, teachers, and preschools to help young children to attend preschools. These also provided areas for further studies.中間系統生態銜接水平銜接兩歲兒mesosystemecological transitionshorizontal transitionstwo-year-old children從中間系統看兩歲兒從家庭進入幼兒園之銜接研究Two-year-olds’ Transitions from Family to Preschool: A Mesosystem Study