蘇秀華Su, Hsiu-Hua張恩雅Chang, En-ya2022-06-082021-07-282022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/bd70188750c719cddb3b17fa51d2fc18/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116859摘要 此次研究報告,主要探討德沃札克(Antonín Leopold Dvořák,1841-1904)與布拉姆斯(Johann Brahms , 1833- 1897),各自創作的《吉普賽之歌》,為使研究更為精準,於其他章節中依序介紹,德國歌曲的演變、由來、歌曲主要形式、各國間歌曲發展與代表作曲家,藉由歌曲沿革中的脈絡梳理,了解歌曲各自發展外,國與國間的文化,交相融合之現象,亦能擴展歌曲發展的視野。 除了在歌曲上有所認識外,此次報告提及的吉普賽民族,抑是此次的研究重點,根據吉普賽民族的命名由來、十九世紀文學作品對吉普賽民族的描摹、與吉普賽民族音樂特點,看見了此民族在世界、文學與音樂的定位為何。 最終以研究吉普賽之歌的分析與詮釋,進入聲樂技巧與音樂語法的深入探索,進而建立體會音樂中的美感素養。Abstract This research primarily investigates the “Gypsy song”,work which was crafted seperatively by Antonin Leopold Dvorak (1841-1904) and Johann Brahms (1833-1897). Details of the research are elaborated in defferent chapters. Evolutions, origins, forms, and history of lieder were collected in this study. This study also researches distinct developments of songs from different countries and the repective artists.Through analysis of the evolutions of those songs,we could not only understandcross-cultural interactions between counties but could also broaden our horizon.In addition to the analysis mentioned above, this study discusses the Gypsies. We could discover the origin of the name and descriptions of the Gypsies in the nineteenth century. Not only the characteristics of the nation of the Gypsies, but also positioning of its music and the literature discussing it are addressed. Finally, analysis and interpretation of Zigeunerlieder and exploration of vocal skills and musical grammar would be the last part, but not least, of the research, our goal is topursue Aesthetic literacy.布拉姆斯德沃札克吉普賽之歌吉普賽音樂特點德國藝術歌曲BrahmsDvorakGypsy songGypsies musicZigeunerliederlieder布拉姆斯與德沃札克<吉普賽之歌>詮釋與分析A study of Brahms and Dvorak composed the vocal music of the Suite"Gypsy song"學術論文