王華沛Hua-Pei Wang盧建文Chien-Wen Lu2019-08-282010-1-72019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0594091311%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91639本研究旨在探討臺北縣在家教育學生之家長對服務現況與家庭需求,並分析不同背景變項的在家教育學生與家庭之家庭需求程度上的差異情形。本研究運用調查研究法,採自編「在家教育學生之家長對服務現況與家庭需求調查問卷」為研究工具,針對臺北縣 97 學年度全體接受教師到宅或醫療機構服務的在家教育學生之家長,共 139 位為研究對象進行普查,發出 136 份問卷,回收有效問卷為 117 份。問卷所得資料以次數分配、百分比、平均數等統計方法進行分析。 將本研究之發現,歸納出下列結論: 一、多數家長對在家教育服務感到滿意,家長不滿意的主要原因是巡迴輔導、治療師服務的時數太少、教師常常更換、家中缺乏復健器材、輔具價格太貴、輔具不適用及申請手續麻煩等。 二、約六成的家長對教育代金補助服務感到滿意,家長不滿意主要原因為補助額太少、很久才收到補助、申請時間的規定過於僵化及不希望用教育代金替代就學等;約半數的家長未完全將教育代金用於醫療或教育之用。 三、臺北縣在家教育學生的家長之家庭需求皆是趨於中度需求的程度,且對「經濟支持」向度的需求程度最高。 四、不同學生背景變項中,學生年齡 10~12 歲之家庭需求程度最高,學生年齡 7~9 歲需求程度最低;多重障礙學生之家庭需求程度高於身體病弱學生之家庭;在醫院接受教育服務學生之家庭需求程度高於在家中接受教育服務學生之家庭。 五、不同家庭背景變項中,家庭子女數 2 人之家庭需求程度最高,子女數 3 人之需求程度最低;家庭月收入以 8 萬元及以上之家庭需求程度最高,月收入 5~7 萬需求程度最低。 根據研究結果提出建議,作為教育行政機關、學校當局、在家教育巡迴輔導教師、家長以及後續研究者之參考。This paper aims to discuss the current situation and the individual needs of those parents whose children receive homebound education in the Taipei County. Also, we analyze the disparities among these families based on their various backgrounds. We use the questionnaire as our research tool. We distributed 136 questionnaires to these families, and 117 of these are valid reports. The results are analyzed in various statistical methods. We arrive at the following conclusions: 1. Most of the parents are satisfied with the homebound education. Some are unsatisfied since the counseling and service provided by the therapists are not frequent enough, there are frequent changes of teachers, there are no assistive technology devices at home, the devices are expensive and not adequate, and the application procedure is troublesome. 2. About 60% of the parents are satisfied with the education subsidy service. The other 40% are unsatisfied since the amount of subsidy is not enough, it takes too long to receive the subsidy, the application period is not flexible, and they do not want to substitute children’s education with the subsidy; about 50% of the parents did not use the subsidy completely for medical or educational purposes. 3. The parents of the students receiving homebound education in Taipei County have an average degree of demand, particularly in terms of financial support. 4. Among all the background variables, the demand from the families with students aging from 10-12 is the highest. Those aging from 7-9 are the lowest. The families with students of multiple disabilities have higher demand than those with ill students. Those with housebound education demand more than those receiving education in the hospital. 5. Among all the family variables, the families with two children have the highest demand, while those with three have the lowest demand. Those families with monthly income more than 80 thousand dollars have the highest demand, whereas those with monthly income from 50 to 70 thousands have the lowest demand. Based on these findings, we provide suggestions, which are useful references for the education administration, the schools, itinerant teachers, parents, and future studies on this topic.在家教育教育代金家庭需求Homebound educationEducational subsidyFamily needs臺北縣在家教育學生之家長對服務現況與家庭需求調查研究Investigations on the Needs of the Parents whose Children Receive Homebound Education in the Taipei County