陳茹玲宋曜廷蘇宜芬Ju-Ling ChenYao-Ting SungYi-Fen Su2019-08-122019-08-122017-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/80948本研究探討「精緻化推論教學課程」對國小弱勢低年級學童之策略運用、閱讀理解與故事重述表現的影響。本研究以37 名北部偏遠地區國小二年級學童為對象,隨機分配至實驗組與控制組。實驗組接受為期九週、18 節課的精緻化推論教學課程,控制組自由閱讀,兩組學生於實驗的前測與後測分別接受中文年級識字測驗、二年級閱讀理解篩選測驗(複本A、B)、放聲思考測驗以及故事重述測驗。精緻化推論教學以直接教學法、放聲思考、以及責任逐漸轉移的教學模式進行。結果顯示:實驗組在策略運用、閱讀理解優於控制組,兩組在故事重述表現之差異接近顯著。The present study explored the influence of “elaboration curriculum” on reading strategy, reading comprehension, and story retelling for 2nd grade students. Thirty-seven 2nd grade students from remote areas were randomly assigned to the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group received 9 weeks of elaboration curriculum, whereas the control group did not. All the students were required to take the following tests both before and after the experiment: (i) a word recognition test, (ii) the Standard Reading Comprehension Test (parallel form A and B), (iii) a thinking aloud test, and (iv) a story retelling test. The elaboration curriculum utilized direct instruction, thinking aloud, and a gradual release of responsibility teaching model. The results showed that the experimental group outperformed the control group in reading strategy and reading comprehension.故事重述策略運用精緻化推論教學課程閱讀理解elaboration curriculumreading comprehensionstory retellinguse of reading strategy「精緻化推論教學課程」對國小弱勢低年級學童策略運用、閱讀理解與故事重述表現之影響The effect of ‘elaboration curriculum’ on the reading strategy, reading comprehension and story retelling for 2nd grade students