王瓊麗Wang, Chiung-Li蘇芳儀Su, Fang-Yi2020-12-102019-01-072020-12-102018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0004603111%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114405  本論文是以「浮生‧若夢」的思想為中心主題,進而區分出夢境、自我超越與自我實現的有關哲學思想及相關創作系列。哲學家托爾斯泰(Leo Tolstoy,1828-1910)曾說:「語言是用來傳遞思想的工具,而藝術是人間傳達情感的手段。」很多時候我們心裡感受的到,卻未必能用言語說出。筆者希望能將虛無飄渺的意境以畫作的方式表達出來,期盼作品可以用它的語言直接訴諸觀者一些更真實的感受。   藉由這個主題,筆者除了想提醒自己要時常檢視自己內心之外,並分享一些哲學思維,對於正在面臨難題及焦慮不安的朋友,可以憑藉自身內心的光芒破除霧霾籠罩的黑暗。作品呈現方式除了透過觀察周遭生活外,另輔以體會個人感受的方式去尋找更多創作靈感,並從分析文獻書籍中去汲取相關知識,探討中西方學術理論,以作為本論文的架構及論述。在實際創作部分,創作材料使用了壓克力及油畫等複合媒材,以各種表現技法作出多元化的呈現,以實驗性的方式決定創作的媒材及技法,進行各種不同的創作研究以決定是否採納該方式進行創作;輔以各種理論觀點:哲學、禪學及美學書籍,探討理論與作品間的關聯性,或以西方藝術史流派探討作品的表現形式,於畫作中加入具有象徵意涵的物件、表現技法或個人情感表達。   本研究探討主題即是「加深對自己的了解」,筆者在本次研究過程中,除了不斷與自己對話以外,更透過創作,沉澱、認識自己。在此同時,也期許筆者能將創作中的喜悅,透過系列作品傳遞給大家。This paper is centered around the dreamlike quality of life, self-transcendence and self-realization. Philosopher Leo Tolstoy said, “By words one transmits thoughts to another, by means of art, one transmits feelings.” Sometimes it is hard to find words to express how we feel. This paper tries to turn some of those unspeakable feelings into works of arts, expecting to transmit feelings to the viewers through this angle. I try to remind myself to stay true to the very beginning mind with this series of works, and also hope to find the luminous essence to light up the gloomy darkness for those sentient beings under suffering. This series of works are inspired by observing surroundings of daily life, personal feelings and literature references. The materials used are mostly acrylic pigments and oil paints. Methods of expression are mixing and experimenting with various artistic techniques. Some theoretical perspectives of philosophy (zen, aesthetic, eastern and western art) are adopted to discuss the works. This research is also an attempt to try to deepen the understanding of the innate quality that everyone shares. During the process of this study, I try to collect my thoughts through self-dialogue and painting. Meanwhile, I would like to share the joy of painting through this series of work to all!浮生‧若夢哲學潛意識life is but a dreamdreamphilosophysubconsciousness浮生‧若夢─蘇芳儀繪畫創作研究Life is But A Dream─The Artistic Painting And Research of Su, Fang-Yi