劉子鍵Liu, Tzu-Chien楊珽雯Yang, Ting-Wen2023-12-082023-08-312023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/81258c27f8763e3e3e127d28339f0437/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/1195982019年末COVID-19的盛行,使線上課程日漸增多,講座型影片為最常使用的線上課程教材之一。講座型影片的主要特點是教師影像會呈現在影片中,因而影片中教師的教學行為呈現方式(包含:手勢、面部表情、聲音等)對學習成效的影響是備受關注的議題。過去研究對於講座型影片中,教師教學行為呈現方式對學生的認知過程與學習表現的看法並不一致。從認知負荷角度出發的研究,認為包含較多非語言訊息的教學行為,例如:教師的手會跟著教學教材做動作等,會分散學生對於教材重點的注意力,產生認知負荷超載的風險,以致學習成效不佳;從情緒與動機理論角度出發的研究,認為帶入情緒的教師教學行為,例如:在教學過程中以點頭表示認同等,可以讓學生透過該教學行為體驗到教師是享受的,進而喚起學生正向情緒知覺與學習動機。值得注意的是,過往雖有不少研究探討影片中教師行為對於學習成效之影響,多數研究都只單獨探討手勢、面部表情、聲音的影響,尚未有研究探討影片中教師整體教學行為呈現融入情感的程度對學習之影響。是以,本研究的目的之一為探討講座型影片中,高融入情感的教師行為表現對學習者的情緒知覺、學習動機、認知負荷與學習成效的影響;目的之二為探究在高融入情感的情況下,教師行為呈現的整體性程度對學習者的情緒知覺、學習動機、認知負荷與學習成效的影響。根據研究發現,本研究將提出講座型影片設計之參考建議。本研究使用的教材為講座型影片,主要操弄的變項為教學行為呈現融入情感的程度(高融入情感教學行為、低融入情感教學行為)以及在高融入情感的情況下,教師教學行為呈現之整體性程度(有無呈現教師影像)。128名高中三年級學生被隨機分派至包含不同教師教學行為呈現之影片的三個組別:高融入情感教學行為組、高融入情感教學行為但無教師影像組、低融入情感教學行為組,並測量其情緒知覺、學習動機、認知負荷與學習成就表現。分析結果指出,高融入情感教學行為組在情緒知覺與學習動機上優於低融入情感教學行為組;高融入情感教學行為組在情緒知覺與學習動機上也優於高融入情感教學行為但無教師影像組。但在認知負荷及學習成效上,無論是高、低融入情感教學行為組之間或是在高融入情感教學的情況下,有無呈現教師影像組之間均無顯著差異。整體而言,高融入情感的教師教學行為(像是:生動、活潑)呈現非但不會增加其認知負荷,還會提升其情緒與動機,但因其教學內容為事實性知識且參與者無先備知識,因此該教學行為呈現對立即學習成效無明顯助益。根據上述結果,本研究建議在講座型影片中,教師可呈現高融入情感的教學行為(像是:生動、活潑)。COVID-19 has led to an increasing number of online courses, and lecture videos are one of the most used online video types. The main feature of a lecture video is the teacher's presence in the video. Consequently, how teachers' teaching behavior affects learning outcome is a topic that has attracted much attention. In this respect, previous studies have divergent views on how teaching behavior affects students' cognitive process and learning outcomes. Based on cognitive load theory, too much non-verbal information may distract students' attention and overload their cognitive load, leading to worse learning performance. Conversely, the theory of emotion and motivation suggested that the teacher's teaching behavior, such as nodding, can indicate approval. This teaching behavior allows students to experience the teacher's enjoyment and arouse their positive emotional and learning motivation. In addition, previous studies mostly focused on individual aspects of the teaching behavior (e.g., gestures, facial expressions, voice). They have not examined the overall presentation and emotional integration of the teaching behavior. Therefore, one of the purposes of this study is to explore theinfluence of teachers' behaviors with high emotional integration on learners' emotional perception, learning motivation, cognitive load, and learning effectiveness in the lecture video. Second, the present study will examine how the overall degree of teachers' behavior presentation affects learners' emotional perception, learning motivation, cognitive load, and learning effectiveness. Finally, this study intends to provide recommendations and suggestion for the design of future lecture video. In this study, theexperimenter manipulates two independent variables of a lecture video: the degree of emotional integration of teaching behaviors (high emotional integration teaching behavior, low emotional integration teaching behavior) and in the case of high emotional integration, the overall degree of teachers' teaching behavior presentation (the presence or absence of teachers' images). 128 third-year high school students were randomly assigned to three groups with different combinations of teachers' teaching behavior involvement and teachers' presence: high-integrated emotional teaching behavior group, high-integrated emotional teaching behavior without teacher’s presence, low-integration emotional teaching behavior group. The participants’ emotional, motivation, cognitive load and learning performance are measured. The results indicated that the high-integration emotional teaching behavior group was more advantageous to the low-integration emotional teaching behavior group in emotional and motivation; the high-integration emotional teaching behavior group was also superior to the teacher-absence group in terms of emotional and motivation. However, in terms of cognitive load and learning performance, there is no significant difference. Overall, the presence of highly emotionally engaged teachers' teaching behaviors (e.g., lively) did not increase their cognitive load, but increased their emotional and motivation. However, because the teaching content is memorized knowledge and the participants have no prior knowledge, the teaching behavior has no significant effect on the immediate learning effect. Based on the above results, this study suggests that teachers can present high-integration emotional teaching behaviors (eg, lively) in lecture video.認知負荷情緒反應理論學習動機講座型影片cognitive loademotional response theorylearning motivationlecture video講座型影片中,生動、活潑的教學行為對學生情緒知覺、學習動機、認知負荷與學習表現之影響The Effects of Vivid and Lively Instructional Behaviors on Students' Emotional Perception, Learning Motivation, Cognitive Load and Learning Performance in Lecture Videoetd