莊文芳Chuang, Wen-fang胡哲瑋HU, ZHE-WEI2019-08-282018-08-272019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060038008F%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85962書寫論文的主要動機,是我從2013年開始,陸陸續續在街頭參與社會運動如華光拆遷、反核遊行、苗栗大埔、洪仲丘案,到爾後太陽花運動全心於議場外投入,我得以匯思這一年多來研究所外的「運動經驗」,及建制在身上的社會工作教育知識,開始對身處於體制的位置產生理解與思考,遂也漸對原有社會工作專業的想像,有了進一步思索的反饋。   社工去哪兒?社會工作只該在「工作」中「專業」,而越靠攏體制、政府,還是社會工作本該在「社會」中「運動」,而越根落土地、文化、人民?當台灣社工的專業證照化讓社工肉身更加赤裸地進入國家機器,深化與服務對象隔閡的科層官僚;基層社工的個案爆量、工時超長,讓社工即為勞工的事實,不斷與這些現象的對話,促使我帶著我說不出社會工作論述及作不出社會工作實務的狀態,除了試著與當前台灣的社工體制對話,也試著與台灣的政治結構形成連結。而社會工作已不僅止再是對服務對象提供直接服務(Direct Services)的一門專業,但卻淪為政府體制的打手或被用來掩蓋社會不公義的「遮羞布」時,當中所可能失語與失羽的社會工作本質,是否能在街頭的思辯與實踐裡重新共鳴?   本研究從我自己在社會工作成為異鄉人的經驗,梳理我在社會工作學習所遭逢的社工教育失語、社工實務失羽的歷程,並以太陽花運動來進一步觀察社會工作與社會運動的關係。期能藉由瞭解、彙整四位社會工作夥伴投入太陽花運動的經驗歷程,進而發現彼此獨特經驗的共通性,勾勒未來社會工作在社會運動中可能潛藏的價值輪廓與關係質地之外,亦讓太陽花運動的現象與經驗拓展我們對於社會工作本質的想像,以及讓社會工作實務能有不同的實踐與思考。The reason why I writing about my social movement experiences was from 2013 which as ‘’Petition for Huakuang’’, ‘’Taiwan’s anti-nuclear power movement’’, ‘’Dapu incident’’, ‘’Death of Hung Chung-chiu’’, ‘’Sunflower Movement’’. Thronging these experiences, it made me having reflections about my knowledge of social work education step by step. Meanwhile, not only knowing well our position in society and system but also thinking what will it be like: the profession of social work that we can get even more imaginations and feedbacks.   Where are the social work panthers been in social movements? Does our social works should be stay in ‘’getting professional in working’’ to close by the government and system? Or we social workers shouldn’t standing by our land, culture and people or even get connection with the construction of politics? The more tendency in profession license to push social workers into state apparatus, the more bureaucracy between us and service users easily. The cruel fact is our social workers are labors, when I keeping conversation with those phenomenon and thinking about the 3H in Taiwan social work; High loading, High working time, High turnover rate. On the other hand, we social workers should be regain the essence of social work and recognize the social work aren’t only a profession about direct services but also prevent to social work became executioner or fig leaf to just declare that we live in society with full of justice and equal.   This study was from my personal ‘’L’Étranger’’ course in graduate school, rethinking the progress about my losing and gaining in social work education and social work practice, and thronging Sunflower Movement to observe the relationship between social work and social movement by knowing and reorganize from the four social work partner’s perspective and undergoing to find our commons or unique, to help us to draw the outline the value of social work and social movement what would it may looks like in the future. Furthermore, we social workers could be inspired by Sunflower Movement which is expanding the possibility about the nature of social work and social work filed practice.太陽花運動社會工作社會工作夥伴壓迫反抗Sunflower MovementSocial WorkSocial Work PartnerOppressRevolt花開向陽-我與四位社工夥伴參與太陽花運動的故事Stories about Participation in Sunflower Movement