王美文楊麗嘉Yang, Li-Chia2019-08-292018-08-012019-08-292018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0002023102%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91985基於新住民籌組團體的歷程中,個人因籌組團體過程或參與團體的經驗,形成的改變仍待探究,本研究根據成人學習理論之轉化學習觀點,瞭解新住民參與自主性學習團體的自我轉化學習歷程,以及參與過程中的意義觀點轉變,並歸納籌組團體的關鍵因素,再加以探討參與自主性學習團體的歷程與遭遇問題。 為逹成研究目的,本研究採用質性研究方式,選擇台北市某自主性學習團體為研究對象,以參與籌組團體的兩位創社學員,及參與團體並擔任重要會務角色的學員一人,進行半結構式深入訪談。 本研究主要發現說明如下: 一、新住民的自我轉化學習歷程與Mezirow提出的轉化學習歷程大致相同。 二、新住民在籌組及參與團體的歷程中,在生活的「思維習慣」、新移民的「身份」、對自己的「看法」、對臺灣的「概念」及世界觀,產生意義觀點的轉變。 三、新住民自我轉化學習歷程的關鍵因素:面臨且覺察失去方向性的兩難困境、參與成長課,發展社會網絡、公家及民間的組織協助及籌組團體的歷程是培力的過程。 四、籌組自主性學習團體的歷程可分為:籌備醖釀期、形成規劃期、運作挑戰期及穩定發展期,不同時期所需求的因素皆不相同,面臨的問題也不同。 關鍵字:新住民、自主性學習團體、轉化學習、籌組、參與Based on the history of the marriage immigrant grouping process, the individual’s change due to the process of organizing the group process or the experience of the participating group remains to be explored. This study is based on the perspective of transformative learning from the adult learning theory to understand the marriage immigrants’ self-directed learning groups, as well as the shift in the sense of point of view in the process of grouping. Furthermore, these research also summarize the key factors of group formation and discuss the course and problems of self-directed learning groups. In order to meet the research objectives, the study is conducted in the way of life history, choosing one self-directed learning group in Taipei City as the research object. The two founding community participants and the participant who groups the organization for pass down the community were selected as the study participants. Subjects conduct semi-structured in-depth interviews. The main findings of this study are as follows: 1. The marriage immigrant's self- transformative learning process is roughly the same as that of Mezirow's transformative learning process. 2. In the process of organizing and participating in groups, marriage immigrants have made a change in the point of view of their “thinking habits” in life, their “views” for themselves, their “concepts” for Taiwan, their “identities” and world views. . 3. The key factors for the marriage immigrants' self-transformation learning process: face and find the dilemma of losing direction, participate in the growth class, develop the social network, assistance from public and private organizations and the process of organizing the group are the process of training. 4. The course of organizing self-directed learning groups can be divided into: preparation for brewing period, formation of planning period, operational challenge period, and stable development period. The factors required at different times are different and the problems are faced also different. Keywords: marriage immigrants, self-directed learning groups, transformative learning, grouping, participate新住民自主性學習團體轉化學習籌組參與marriage immigrantsself-directed learning groupstransformative learninggroupingparticipate女性新住民參與自主性學習團體歷程之研究—以「台北市某自主性學習團體」為例Research on the Process of participating one self-directed learning group by marriage immigrants in Taipei City