鄔佩麗Pei-Li Wu鍾育紋Un-Wen Chung2019-08-282012-7-12019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693010301%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90897  本研究目的在於瞭解已婚男性憂鬱症患者在罹患憂鬱症過程中,對他患病原因的理解及面對罹患憂鬱症處境的方式、和他人的關係變化、以及協助從憂鬱症復原的因素能做進一步的瞭解。 本研究採質性研究之主題分析法進行資料收集與分析。研究者以半結構訪談大綱訪談三名被診斷為罹患憂鬱症(其中一名為重鬱症患者、兩名為低落性情感疾患)的已婚男性做為研究參與者,探究男性對自己在婚姻狀態下罹患憂鬱症的相關經驗描述,之後將十份訪談資料整理為逐字稿,再經由主題分析法詮釋循環的概念進行深入分析,最後得出以下四個共同的主題: 1.「憂鬱症肇因多,積累成病」:研究參與者認為促成自己罹患憂鬱症的原因是多元的,包含家庭、個人、文化對男性的形塑以及累積的壓力等方面的因素。 2.「罹病與求助,皆是挑戰」:對研究參與者來說,病中多重症狀加上對憂鬱症及向精神醫療系統求助的陌生與迴避下,使身心面臨更多不適;在後續就診的經驗中,也因憂鬱症有其不易醫治等特殊性,而對治療與病程均出現焦慮。 3.「家庭互動原不易,病中更逢困頓」:研究參與者和家人關係原本即處於界線模糊、衝突、疏離等不良互動;他們對個人的家庭角色之期許,因病症而無法充分表現時,會帶來更強烈的心理壓力。 4.「內外助力合作,憂鬱症狀漸平息」:由於親友、精神醫療系統等外在助力對研究參與者的協助,以及他們對人我關係的自我調適下,得以逐漸降低憂鬱症對其身心的影響程度。   本研究根據上述的研究結果做進一步的討論,並針對政府及政策、學校及社會教育、精神醫療系統與助人專業工作者、已婚男性憂鬱症患者及其親友等方面提出建言。最後則依據研究過程與結果,對未來之研究方向提出建議。  The purpose of this research is to explore the subjective views from married males with a depressive disorder about their understanding of the cause that triggers the disease, their ways of dealing with the disease, and their change in their relationships with others in addition to comprehending the elements that help them to cope with the depressive disorder. The approach for this research is based on a qualitative in-depth interview method, and the researcher has used a semi-structure interview guideline to interview three informants who were diagnosed as catching the depressive disorder. Then, the researcher has thematically annotated the ten text documents from the married males with the depressive disorder and analyzed them with a circulating concept to result in four essential themes: I. Multifaceted and cumulative reasons to cause the depressive disorder: The informants consider that multiple aspects including the expectation from family, personal, and culture, in addition to the cumulative pressure that causes their ailment. II. Different challenges on admitting being ill and seeking for help: For the informants, not only the syndromes of the disease but also the unfamiliarity and avoidance to both the depressive disorder and the psychiatric medical system make them suffer from the disease even more. In their following clinical experiences, because the depressive disorder is not cured easily, the informants feel anxious toward the treatments and the process. III. More intense tribulations from difficult family interactions in addition to the ailment: The informants’ relationship with their family falls under unhealthy interactions in vague boundaries, conflicts, or estrangement. They, under the effect of the syndrome, can’t meet their own expectations on their family role, which often gives them more severe mental pressure. IV. Gradual healing via the cooperation of external and internal assistances: Due to the external assistance from the informants’ relatives and from the psychiatric medical system along with their adjustment in the interaction with others and within themselves, they are able to recover from the syndrome.   Based on the consequences of the research, the researcher has a further discussion and some suggestions to the government and its policy, to school and the social education, to the psychiatric medical system and professional helpers, as well as to the married males with the depressive disorder and their relatives. Finally, based on what have been learned from this research, the researcher provides a few suggestions for future study.憂鬱症已婚男性自我調適depressionmarried malesself- adjustment已婚男性憂鬱症患者的人我關係與自我調適Relationship and Self-Adjustment in Married Males with Depressive Disorder