張素玢Su-bing Chang2014-10-272014-10-272012-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/2288本文的重點在研究地方美食溪湖羊肉爐與臺灣肉品市場經營的供需關係,尤其是1990年代羊隻公開拍賣制度施行之後,地方美食如何影響肉品市場的消長。基於本文的研究可瞭解,彰化縣溪湖鎮羊肉爐的龐大肉品需求量造成幾個重大影響:1.使彰化縣肉品市場設立羊隻拍賣制度。2.促使彰化縣肉品市場設立臺灣第一個專業羊隻屠宰線。3.維繫臺灣土羊畜殖產業的經營與交易。4.使臺灣進入WTO之後,本土羊肉仍能與國外進口的低價羊肉產品競爭。由此可知,溪湖羊肉爐不只是一種具有特色的地方美食,也成為推動地方經濟發展的機制,更是臺灣進入全球市場以後,本土羊隻畜產業的試金石。The present study was to explore the supply-demand relation between the local cuisine and the meat market in Taiwan, particularly the issue of fluctuations of the wholesale mutton market after the measure of the public auction system was taken at the Shihu township of Changhua in 1991. A large-scale mutton demand for the unique cuisine, the Mutton Hot Pot, originated in the Shihu township has had a great impact on the set-up of such a measure. This move has in turn initiated the first special butchery for goat in Taiwan, maintained the management and market of domestic lamb reproduction industry, and made the marketing value of our domestic mutton compatible with that of the imported ones.地方美食肉品市場供需關係溪湖鎮羊肉爐拍賣制度local cuisinemeat marketssupply-demand relationauction systemMutton hot potShihu township地方美食與臺灣肉品市場的供需關係――溪湖羊肉爐Supply-Demand Relation of the Local Cuisine and the Meat Market: An Example of the Mutton Hot Pot of Shihu