陳秀蓉Chen, Hsiu-Jung江啟帆Jiang, Qi-Fan2019-08-282022-07-042019-08-282017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0001012115%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90393本研究目的在探討「依附關係親職團體」對國小學童家長在教養態度與親子關係的效果,以台北市北投區小學32名家長為研究對象,平均年齡為42歲,皆為女性,研究方法採實驗組—控制組設計,實驗組14人,接受共八次、每次三小時的親職團體課程,控制組18人,在研究期間不接受任何處理。資料分析包括量化與質性資料,在量化資料方面以家長所填之「父母教養態度量表」、「親子關係量表(父母版)」、「家長觀察表」,以及其特定子女所填之「親子關係量表(兒童版)」為評量工具,收集前測、後測和追蹤測資料進行分析。質性資料係收集團體過程紀錄、家長觀察表、單元回饋單、總回饋單、訪談記錄等質性資料進行內容分析,作為評估團體效益的輔佐。結果:1.在教養態度方面:「依附關係親職團體」對國小學童家長在「接納」程度上具有立即效果而無追蹤效果,而在「自信」、「歸因」及「瞭解」程度上無立即和追蹤效果。2.在親子關係方面:「依附關係親職團體」對國小學童家長在「親近感」、「溝通」程度上具立即性效果但無追蹤效果,在「欣賞」程度則有顯著降低的立即效果並無追蹤效果;特定子女部分則皆無立即與追蹤效果。3.在質性資料方面,實驗組成員對於依附關係親職團體給予正向的肯定,在參加團體後,更願意彈性調整教養態度和親子關係。最後,研究亦提出相關建議與討論。The major purposes of the research were to explore the effects of attachment parenting group on rearing attitude and parent-child relationship of elementary school students’ parents. The participants consisted 32 parents of Peitou district of Taipei City. All members are female and the average age is 42 years old. They were assigned into the experiment group (n=14) and the control group (n=18). The researcher applied the equivalent pretest-posttest control group method. The participants of the experiment group were arranged to attend eight group counseling sessions, 3 hours per session. The control group did not receive any treatment during the research period. The measurement included “Rearing Attitude Scale”, “Parent-Child Relationship Scale for Parent”, and “Parent-Child Relationship Scale for Child”. All participants received the pretest, the posttest and the follow-up test. The data were analyzed by using One - Way Analyses of covariance (ANCOVA) and Oneway Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Records of group process, feedback of every unit, finally feedback, and records of individual interview were used to support of supplement effects of this research findings.The findings of this research were illustrated as follows: 1.With the respect of rearing attitude:Attachment parenting group have immediate effects on “admittance” subscales but “confidence”, “attribution” and “understanding” subscales have no immediate effects. And have no follow-up effects on “confidence”, “attribution”, “admittance”, and “understanding” subscales, 2.With the respect of parent-child relationship: Attachment parenting group have immediate effects on “familiarity” and “Communication” subscales;On the “admiration” subscale was declined significantly. And no follow-up effects on “familiarity”, “admiration” and “Communication” subscales. And particular children have no immediate effects and follow-up effects on “familiarity”, “admiration” and “Communication” subscales. From qualitaitve datum, the participants’ feedback of the experiment group was analyzed asthe support for the research outcome and they were willing to elastically adjust their parent attitude and parent-child relationship after joining this parneting group. Finally, the study also made recommendations and discussions.依附關係親職團體父母教養態度親子關係attachmentparenting grouprearing attitudeparent-child relationship依附關係親職團體對國小學童家長教養態度與親子關係效果研究The study of attachment parenting group for elementrary school parent: The effect on rearing attitude and parent-child relationships