國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所藤井倫明陳昭珍金培懿2015-07-032015-07-032009/12-20http://grbsearch.stpi.narl.org.tw/GRB_Search/grb/show_doc.jsp?id=1730360http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/73325本計畫在國科會所規劃的「日本漢文學傳統之研究」這一主題下,擬聚焦於 「日本漢文學傳統之日本傳統研究」,鎖定「日本神道」、「儒家神道」、「日本精神」、 「武士道」、「五山文學」、「日本禪詩」等六個子題,試圖藉此建構日本漢文學傳 統中有關日本傳統研究的圖書資料,迅速建立此項有特色的圖書典藏。本案規劃 圖書的首要指標是日本國學院大學圖書館與日本國會圖書館的相關藏書,次要的 收藏指標,則希望廣蒐美加、歐洲地區相關主題的博碩士論文。本計畫分三年期 進行,第一年採購的重點放在「日本神道」、「儒家神道」相關圖書,第二年的採 購主題為「日本精神」、「武士道」,第三年採購主題為「五山文學」、「日本禪詩」。 本計畫若能夠通過補助順利完成,臺灣有關「日本漢文學傳統之日本傳統研究」 方面的藏書,將具備與日本國學院大學相同規模,甚至超越之的藏書可能,而這 個成果除了可以使本所擁有國內日本漢文學研究領域中,足夠具備開創嶄新研究 議題的圖書文獻資料,可率先培育研究生在國內對該議題進行研究之外,同時也 將為國內的「日本漢文學」研究提供豐富的日本傳統文獻資料庫,更可提供國內 日本漢文學的研究者一個相對完備的研究環境,預期可以促進臺灣日本漢學研究 在「質」上的飛躍性進步。The plan which is part of “A Study of The Chinese Literature Tradition of Japan” project will focus on the tradition of Japanese culture. We will collect the literature on Shinto, Confucian Shinto, Japanese spirit, Bushido, Five-Mountain literature and Zen Poetry in Japan to establish a characteristic archive. The first target is the relational literature in Kokugakuin University’s library and National Diet Library, and the second target is the theses in America, Canada and Europe. We will execute this plan in three years. In the first year it is mainly aim at the literature on Shinto and Confucian Shinto. In the second year it is mainly aim at the literature on Japanese spirit and Bushido. In the third year it is mainly aim at the literature on Five-Mountain literature and Zen Poetry in Japan. The collection of literature on the Chinese literature tradition of Japan and the tradition of Japanese culture in Taiwan and will be on the same scale with Kokugakuin University, even surpass it possibly if this plan can be executed. Then our institute will have ample resources to make a study of new topic on Chinese literature of Japan, to nourish graduate students to study this topic in Taiwan, and to supply an abundant archive of traditional Japanese literature and a complete academia for the academician. We anticipate the developing of Japanese sinology studying in Taiwan with a leap by executing this plan.補助人文及社會科學研究圖書計畫規劃主題---東亞漢學研究II---日本漢文學傳統之研究A Study of Traditional Japanese Culture in Chinese Literature Tradition of Japan