戴建耘Dai, Chien-Yun蔡昀芳Tsai, Yun-Fang2019-09-032020-12-312019-09-032015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060275020H%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/95625「人生無處不權謀,生活處處是賽局」[1],人們每天都在決策,如何提升自己的決策能力擬定出最好的策略與做出最好的選擇,至關重要。在資訊發達、網際網路力量崛起的世紀,產業競爭趨於激烈。在這樣的環境下,競合策略間之關係交互影響,決策者在本身條件及利弊得失之間都想採取對自己有利之策略,因此,決策的能力、策略的模擬,為大小企業以及個人都需重視之議題,而賽局理論正好可以提供決策者擬定策略的思維。本研究以決策策略之基礎「賽局理論」為核心,建構網路測驗平台並輔以電腦輔助教學方式建立資訊決策能力系統,模擬競爭市場將會遇到的情境,以及模擬競爭市場可能決策之策略,透過賽局理論的角度來分析各個策略決策結果之報酬關係,擬定出最佳策略,藉此系統訓練使用者的資訊決策能力。There are without trickers nowhere in our lives, everywhere is matches all around us. The most important thing in our daily life is all about making decisions such as how to improve our abilities of yes-no decisions, how to develop the best strategy ,and how to make the best choice. Due to the advanced and maturity of internet technology the competition in industries just become more and more intense. Under this circumstance, strategies has mutual influence on the two-sides. Both of them intend to take the Selfish situations, therefore, the abilities of making decisions, the simulations of strategies, is the most important issue for all industriies, ''Game Theory’’ exactly provide the best solution for the win-win strategy. This research is based on ''Game Theory’’, the foundmental of developing the strategy, by network platform which can make the abilities of making yes-no decisions, and to simulate the problems which are probably happened in the competive market, via ''Game Theory’’, we can simulate circumstance of making the best strategy, thus we can improve user's abilities of making yes-no decisions.賽局理論電腦輔助教學資訊決策能力Game TheoryComputer Assisted InstructionInformation Decision Thinking Technology結合賽局理論建構資訊決策能力之測評系統Game Theory for Information Decision Thinking Technology