杞昭安何世芸2019-08-282007-2-82019-08-282006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693090208%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91810摘 要 本研究目的在瞭解視障巡迴輔導教師對自我專業知能重要程度及具備能力的看法。研究方法以自編之「視障巡迴輔導教師專業知能調查研究」問卷調查法進行普查。本研究以台灣地區22縣市視障巡迴輔導教師為研究對象,共發出112份問卷,回收100而有效問卷98份,回收率為87%。所得資料以次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差進行研究,研究結果發現: 一、在專業知能重要程度上,視障巡迴輔導教師均認為這些向度均在「重要」程度上;而能力也「具備」的向度有:指導學生定向行動能力、溝通技巧人際互動、輔具運用指導與評估、認識視障成因等4個向度。其他6個向度則在「不太具備」能力。顯示視障巡迴輔導教師在專業知能的具備能力上須再提昇。 二、從各向度的題號內容顯示「指導視障學生以盲用電腦輔助點字學習」的「具備能力」最為欠缺。而在「每學期初和學校相關人員針對個案狀況安排巡迴輔導日期及時間及個案輔導計畫」所「具備能力」高於「重要程度」。 三、從不同背景變項來看:女性視障巡迴輔導教師 在評定重要程度及具備能力上均優於男性視障巡迴輔導教師;年齡23-35歲及巡輔年資1-5年的視障巡迴輔導教師,均一致認為「功能性視覺評估」和「溝通技巧及人際互動」較為重要,但具備能力並不足;最高學歷與特教背景中具特教研究所含40學分之學歷者,最具「具備能力」。服務區域中台灣東區的視障專業知能表現最佳。 四、為提昇視障巡迴輔導教師專業知能宜注重醫療、社政、教育三者及特殊教育、普通教育的整合。 關鍵字:視障教育、巡迴輔導教師、專業知能Itinerant Teacher For The Visual Impairment Professional Knowledge Study Research Abstract Ho Shih Yun Purpose of this research is to understand the viewpoint of itinerant teacher for the visual impairment towards the importance of one’s professional knowledge and one’s own equipped ability. The research method is survey study by using a self-prepared questionnaire called “Visual Impairment Itinerant Teacher Professional Knowledge Study Research” This research focuses on the itinerant teacher for the visual impairment from the 22 province of Taiwan as research participants, and a total of 112 surveys were sent out, received 98 returned usable surveys, a response rate of 87%. The acquired data was analyzed using frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation to proceed with the research, and the research results discovered: 一、 regarding the importance of professional knowledge, visual- impairment itinerant teachers consider these aptitudes as “important”; as for “equipped” ability, there are 4 aptitudes other 6 aptitudes are about the “less-equipped” ability. 二、 From all the question numbers of aptitudes show that the “equipped ability” of “instructing visual impaired students to use computers for blinds in aiding the learning of Braille system” scores higher than “importance.” 三、From a different perspective: female visual impairment-itinerant-teachers score above male visual impairment itinerant teachers on evaluating importance and equipped ability; younger and less-experienced visual impairment itinerant teachers all agree “functional visual evaluation” and “communication skill and social interaction” are more important; in the service field, the east region of Taiwan performs the best on visual impairment professional knowledge. As to improve visual impairment itinerant teachers’ professional knowledge should focus on medical treatment, social politic, and education and the incorporation of special education and general education. Key words:special education for the visual impairment、itinerant teachers for the visual impairment、professional knowledge視障教育視障巡迴輔導教師專業知能special education for the visual impairmentitinerant teachers for the visual impairmentprofessional knowledge視障巡迴輔導教師專業知能調查之研究Itinerant teacher for the visual impairment professional knowledge study reaearch