何芮瑶Ruiyao Annie Ho2020-09-032020-09-032019-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/109076西方學界已累積了百年的幼兒早期讀寫研究,從成熟論、讀寫準備論到讀寫萌發,每次典範的轉移都對學前語文教育帶來衝擊。有鑑於臺灣學界和實務界對幼兒早期書寫的概念仍停留在西方的讀寫準備論,因此本文首先使用文獻分析法,回顧過去一世紀西方學界對幼兒早期書寫發展的重要研究文獻,說明幼兒書寫發展在讀寫學習歷程中的重要角色,以及其和閱讀發展的交互關係。接著,本文以臺灣本土的實徵研究,探討臺灣社會爭論已久的幼兒書寫學習迷思,以及幼兒書寫學習在現今政策下的困境。最後,本文呼籲臺灣學界應儘快展開本土的幼兒讀寫發展研究,再以研究為依據發展出適性的、有效的幼兒語文課程及教學模式。Over the past century, there have been tremendous findings onthe research of early literacy in the West. From the maturation theory,reading readiness, to emergent literacy, each paradigm shift has hadan enormous impact on early literacy education. The main purposeof this article is to examine early literacy education in Taiwan and itsprinciples of reading readiness in three ways. Firstly, to use documentanalysis to introduce findings of early writing research over the pastcentury from the West, especially the concept of emergent writing.Secondly, to debunk three early writing myths that exist in Taiwan byusing empirical research. Thirdly, to call attention to start Taiwan’sown empirical early writing research. By establishing clinicalobservation and empirical research of Taiwanese young children, wecould further develop efficient and age-appropriate literacy curriculaas well as applicable early literacy policies.幼兒語文教育政策幼兒書寫幼兒教育讀寫萌發學前語文教育early literacy education policyearly writingearly literacy educationemergent literacyearly childhood education先讀後寫?西方近百年幼兒書寫研究回顧及其對臺灣幼兒書寫教育政策的檢討READ FIRST, WRITE LATER? EXAMININGTAIWAN’S EARLY WRITING EDUCATIONPOLICY FROM EARLY LITERACY RESEARCHOVER A CENTURY IN THE WEST