國立臺灣師範大學化學系S. DharaA. DattaC.-T. WuZ.-H. LanK.-H. ChenY.-L. WangL.-C. ChenC.-W. HsuH.-M. LinChia-Chun Chen2014-12-022014-12-022003-01-200003-6951http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/42301Ga+ion implantation of chemical-vapor-deposited GaNnanowires (NWs) is studied using a 50-keV Ga+focused ion beam. The role of dynamic annealing (defect-annihilation) is discussed with an emphasis on the fluence-dependent defect structure. Unlike heavy-ion-irradiated epitaxialGaN film, large-scale amorphization is suppressed until a very high fluence of 2×1016 ions cm−2. In contrast to extended-defects as reported for heavy-ion-irradiated epitaxialGaN film, point-defect clusters are identified as major component in irradiated NWs. Enhanced dynamic annealing induced by high diffusivity of mobile point-defects in the confined geometry of NWs is identified as the probable reason for observed differences.Enhanced Dynamic Annealing in Ga+ ion-implanted GaN Nanowires