洪聰敏Tsung-min Hung林建增Chien-tseng Lin2019-09-052011-7-202019-09-052011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0593041215%22.&%22.id.&amp;http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105329目的:探討內在和外在注意力焦點與運動表現、心率變異度的關係。方法:以男性優秀高中空氣槍選手一名為參與者,共射擊80發;以內在注意力焦點和外在注意力焦點型式分別在一般練習情境和競賽情境下各射擊20發,過程中紀錄其射擊成績與心率變異度(低頻LF (0.04-0.15 Hz)、高頻HF (0.15-0.4 Hz)、低高頻比 (LF/HF)),所得資料以重複量數二因子變異數分析處理注意力型式與情境在運動表現、心率變異度的差異。結果:在運動表現上,一般情境的射擊成績顯著高於競賽情境 (F = 4.413, p< .05, η2 = .098)。在低頻 (LF) 與高頻 (HF) 的心率變異度方面,注意力型式與情境並未發現交互作用和主要效果。在低高頻比 (LHF) 方面則發現有交互作用存在 (F = 5.440, p < .05, η2 = .232),外在注意力型式時,一般情境的低高頻比高於競賽情境時 (t = 2.795, p < .05)。結論:在競賽情境下的成績較一般情境差,或許是受到競賽壓力的影響所致,導致動作者的注意力無法集中在正確的注意力導向而影響表現。另外在低高頻比上,外在注意力導向或許間接的促使動作者的自主神經產生了最佳化的平衡狀態,這可能是影響表現的關鍵。雖然研究結果上與假說部分不相符,但是副交感神經系統對於注意力的可能影響還是有待探討。未來可以將一些影響注意力的干擾因素排除,更有效探討注意力焦點與心率變異度之間的關係。Purpose: This study aimed to examine the relationships between attention focus, heart rare variability and shooting performance. Methods: An elite male high-school air pistol shooter participated in the study. The participant was asked to shoot 80 times under a regular practicing situation and a simulation competition. Under each situation, the shooter fired 20 times by using an internal and external attentional strategy, respectively. Shooting scores and heart rate variability [low-frequency LF (0.04-0.15 Hz), high frequency HF (0.15-0.4 Hz), low/high frequency ratio (LF/HF)] were recorded. Two-way ANOVAs were utilized to analyze the effects of attentional strategy and situation on HRV and performance. Results: For performance, the shooter showed higher score under the regular practicing situation than the competition situation (F = 4.41, p< .05, η2 = .098). Additionally, in heart rate variability, no interaction and main effects of attention focus and situation were found at the low frequency (LF) and high frequency (HF). However, a significant interaction was found in the LF/HF (F = 5.44, p < .05, η2 = .232). While using an external attentional strategy, higher LF/HF ratio was observed under the regular practicing situation than the competition situation (t = 2.795, p < .05). Conclusion: Regardless of internal or external attention focus, athletic performance seems to be easily hindered by competitive pressure that causes individuals to not concentrate enough to correctly direct their attention to an appropriate target. In the interpretation of LF/HF, external attention focus may indirectly promote individuals’ better balance in the autonomic nervous system, which is the key to successful performance. Although the results of this study are not consistent with the hypothesis, the possible influence of the parasympathetic nervous system on attention may not be completely denied. In the future, the relationship between HRV and attention focus is needed to further verify as researchers illuminate the interrupting factors that affect attention.心跳率心理技能訓練壓力因應副交感神經系統heart ratepsychological skills rainingcoping with pressureparasympathetic nervous system射擊競賽時注意力焦點與運動表現、心率變異度之關係Relationships between Attention Focus, Heart Rate Variability and Performance during Air-Pistol Shooting