林曉玲Hsiao-Ling Lin2019-08-122019-08-122014-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/82195本研究旨在探討不同世代國小女教師性別養成經驗與性別意識內涵狀態。教師世代劃分引用歷史世代理論概念,以普為臺灣社會帶來巨幅轉變的歷史事件-民國76年的「解嚴」-作為分隔點,將教師分為在解嚴前與後度過成長期的兩個不同世代,並配合教師年資做一年長與年輕世代的區分。本研究採質性深入訪談方式,訪問分屬年長與年輕世代的四位國小女教師。研究結論為臺灣性別氛圍歷經婦女運動的衝撞,確有改變,不同世代女教師性別養成經驗中的傳統性別角色內化程度出現差異,年長世代女教師對於傳統女性角色扮演接受程度較高。但因父權體制持續透過家庭、學校、傳媒等社會機制運作,不同世代女教師持續於生活各場域感知重男輕女及打壓女性的事實,且因個人的反思特質,其皆出現肯認性別平等的政治化傾向,並嘗試用自己的方式改變轉化這父權體制社會。The purpose of this study was to explore the gender growing experience and gender consciousness of different generational elementary school female teachers. This study used the concept of historical generation to divide female teachers into different generations. The end year of martial law-Min-Kuo 76 year-was set to be the dividing point because after the year, Taiwan society was believed to change enormously. The teachers who grew up in martial law years and worked as elementary school teacher over 15 years and those who grew up after martial law years are assumed senior and young generation teachers. Data was collected through qualitative in-depth interviews of four female teachers. Two belonged to senior generation, and the others young generation. The conclusion of this study was as follows: The gender atmosphere of Taiwan society somehow changed because of the Taiwan women's movement. The generation difference appeared in the internalizing degree of traditional gender role. Comparing to the young generation, senior female teachers tended to accept the traditional gender role, such as wife and mother. On the other hand, the patriarchy system was still working through all kinds of social institutions, so the female teachers were continually aware of sexism in their daily life. However, all of them supported gender equity value and tried to change the patriarchy society in their own way due to their personal trait of reflection.世代性別性別平等教育性別意識國小女教師generationgendergender equity educationgender consciousnesselementary school female teacher不同世代國小女教師性別養成經驗與性別意識內涵狀態之質性研究-以四位國小女教師為例The Qualitative Exploration of the Gender Growing Experience and Gender Consciousness of Different Generational Elementary School Female Teachers