鍾志從Jong, Jyh-Tsorng莊淑華Cho, Su Hwa2023-12-082022-09-272023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/fe070d044356e5a115ffbe2494854202/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119130摘要 本研究目的為探討幼兒的奮力控制與語文理解之間的關聯,以來自臺北市一所準公共幼兒園、兩所私立幼兒園及新北市兩所準公共幼兒園的61位,月齡介於43至55個月的小班幼兒為研究對象,其中男生37位,女生24位。研究工具採用一對一施測的賽門說任務遊戲(Simon Says Task)蒐集幼兒奮力控制能力的資料,以及修訂畢保德圖畫詞彙測驗(PPVT-R)蒐集幼兒語文理解能力的資料。透過SPSS 23.0的統計分析,本研究的結果如下: 一、受試幼兒的奮力控制表現尚佳,賽門說任務遊戲適合小班幼兒使用。 二、受試幼兒的性別不同,在賽門說任務遊戲中的奮力控制表現並無不同。 三、受試幼兒的家庭社經地位不同,在賽門說任務遊戲中的奮力控制表現上,並沒有顯著差異。 四、受試幼兒的語文理解表現佳,其中約有四成的受試幼兒得分百分等級高於90。 五、受試幼兒的性別不同,在修訂畢保德圖畫詞彙測驗的語文理解表現並無不同。 六、受試幼兒的家庭社經地位不同,在修訂畢保德圖畫詞彙測驗的語文理解表現沒有顯著差異。 七、在控制住性別與家庭社經地位之後,階層迴歸分析顯示,受試幼兒奮力控制的表現可以有效的解釋並預測他們的語文理解能力。奮力控制與語文理解之間有顯著的正相關。關鍵詞:幼兒、語文理解、奮力控制Abstract The present study investigated the association between effortful control and language comprehension of 61 Taiwan preschoolers aged 43 and 55 months (37 boys and 24 girls). Participants were recruited from two quasi-public preschools in New Taipei City; and one quasi-public preschool and two private preschools in Taipei City. Participants’ effortful control skills and language comprehension competence were assessed by the Simon Says task and the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised (PPVT-R). Through the analysis of SPSS 23.0, seven results of the present study were summarized as follows:1.Preschoolers’ performance in effortful control skills was good, and the Simon Says task was suitable for nursery class.2.Preschoolers’ performance in effortful control assessed by the Simon Says task did not have gender differences.3.Preschoolers’ performance in effortful control assessed by the Simons Says task did not have significant difference with the family socioeconomic status.4.Preschoolers’ performance in language comprehension competence was excellent . About 40% of the preschoolers’ performance is higher than percentile rank grade of 90.5.Preschoolers’ performance in language comprehension assessed by the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test did not have gender differences.6.Preschoolers’ performance in language comprehension assessed by the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test did not have significant difference with the family socioeconomic status.7.Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that preschoolers’ performance in effortful control was effective in predicting and explaining the preschoolers’ language comprehension competence while controlling the effects of gender and socioeconomic status. There was a significant positive association between effortful control and language comprehension.Keywords: effortful control, language comprehension, preschoolers幼兒語文理解奮力控制effortful controllanguage comprehensionpreschoolers幼兒奮力控制與語文理解的關聯The Relationship Between Effortful Control and Language Comprehension in Preschoolersetd