吳明振吳琪琦Wu, Chi-Chi2019-09-042018-07-232019-09-042018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0005702405%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98412我國為了提供國中特殊生畢業升學的機會,於2000年開始規畫特殊教育方案「十二年就學安置」,期待能讓特殊生屏除障礙因素,進入後期中等教育,接受十二年完整、適性的學習,安置到能發揮優勢能力的高中或技術型高中。然而,許多特殊生雖然透過十二年就學安置方案保送進入高中或技術型高中,卻未必能有良好的適應情形;且因近年來,學習障礙的升學人數為身心障礙生總升學人數的大宗,其主要安置場所為技術型高中,因此本研究主要探討臺北市十二年就學安置方案對技術型高中學習障礙學生在校適應情形之現況,比較參與管道與否的在校適應情形與學習成就,分析其在不同背景變項上的差異,及探討適應情形與學習成就之間的相關情形。 本研究以問卷調查法進行,以臺北市公私立技術型高中106學年度的學習障礙學生為研究對象,調查時間為107年3月27日至4月30日,共發放250份問卷,有效回收問卷為220份,有效回收率88%。所得資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關等方法,進行統計分析。研究結論如下: 1.臺北市參與十二年就學安置方案之學習障礙學生在校適應情形尚可。 2.臺北市使用國中會考成績分發之學習障礙學生在校適應情形優於參與十二年就學安置方案之學習障礙學生。 3.臺北市使用國中會考成績分發之學習障礙學生的學習成就優於參與十二年就學安置方案之學習障礙學生。 4.臺北市參與十二年就學安置方案之學習障礙學生在校適應情形不會因為性別、年級、學校類型、職群而不同。 5.臺北市參與十二年就學安置方案之學習障礙學生的學習成就會因性別、學校類型、職群不同而有差異。 6.臺北市參與十二年就學安置方案之學習障礙學生在校適應情形與學習成就有低度正相關。In 2000, Taiwan has begun to plan a special educational program, "Twelve-year Educational Placement Project" (12-Year EPP). By doing so, students with special educational needs (SEN), who have fulfilled their studies in junior high school, are expected to be able to eliminate the obstacles and enter the later secondary school with proper placements of high school or vocational high school, hoping to allow them to develop their strengths and accept complete twelve-year suitable schooling. However, though many students with SEN were admitted to senior high school of vocational high school through the 12 Year EPP, they may not be able to adapt well afterwards. In recent years, the number of students with learning disabilities makes up the majority of the total number of students with SEN who continued on to the next level of education, and their primary placement is vocational high schools. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the current situation of students with learning disabilities who were placed in vocational high school through the 12-Year EPP, compare the adoption of students who participated in the 12-Year EPP and those who didn’t, analyze the differences of diverse backgrounds and factors, and discuss the relevance between adoption and learning achievements. The research was conducted through questionnaires, and the objects of this research were the students with learning disabilities enrolled in vocational high school in Taipei City in 106 academic year. The survey was conducted from Mar 27 to Apr 30, 2018, and 250 valid questionnaires were collected. The effective questionnaires were 220, and the effective response rate was 88%. The data was analyzed by description, multiple regression analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis. The conclusions were as follows: 1. The adaptation of students who participated in the 12-Year EPP were at the medium level. 2. The adaptation of students who participated in the entrance examination were better than the students who participated in the 12-Year EPP. 3. The achievement of students who participated in the entrance examination were better than the students who participated in the 12-Year EPP. 4. There weren't significant differences in the school adaptation of the students who participated in the 12-Year EPP with different gender, grades, school types, and groups. 5. There were significant differences in the student achievement of the students who participated in the 12-Year EPP with different gender, school types, and groups. 6. The school adaptation of the students who participated in the 12-Year EPP had shown a significant low-positive relationship with learning achievement.臺北市十二年就學安置方案學習障礙在校適應情形學習成就Twelve-Year Educational Placement Program in Taipei CityLearning DisabilitiesSchool AdaptationStudent Achievement臺北市十二年就學安置方案對技術型高中學習障礙學生在校適應情形之探討Influence of Twelve-Year Educational Placement Program on School Adaptation of Vocational High School Students with Learning Disabilities in Taipei City