黃均人廖怡欣2020-10-192024-08-282020-10-192019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060291018M%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/111757隨著科技的高度發展,人們生活型態深受電腦相關數位科技的影響,當代音樂發展無論在產業界或學術領域都難以脫離「電腦」的衝擊。因應此一趨勢,臺灣許多頂尖高等學府已開設相關科系,培養電腦音樂創作及音樂產業製作等音樂人才。在高等教育領頭、多元學習風氣高漲、政府教育政策改革、經費挹注等諸多刺激之下,培育臺灣中等教育音樂人才的高中音樂資優班,也如雨後春筍一般紛紛開設電腦音樂相關課程。 臺中市立清水高中音樂班自2002年(91學年度)成班之後,於92學年度便開設電腦音樂課程,可謂臺灣高中音樂資優班推動電腦音樂發展的先驅,本論文針對清水高中音樂班電腦音樂課程發展方向作全盤的文字紀錄與分析研究,並訪談十多年來推動電腦音樂課程重要而關鍵之人物,藉由近年電腦音樂成果與深入訪談,以各個層面切入,呈現清水高中音樂班電腦音樂課程發展之完整全貌。On account of rapid development of technology, people’s life style is deeply influenced by computer-related digital technology. Modern music development in both industrial and academic fields cannot avoid the shock caused by “computer.” To follow this dominant trend, numerous top universities in Taiwan have established related departments to cultivate musical talent in the fields of computer music composition and musical industrial production. Under the stimulus of higher education, diverse learning, reform of educational policies and funds, music gifted classes in senior high schools gradually offer computer music related courses. Music gifted class of Taichung Municipal Cingshuei Senior High School (CSHS) was formed in 2002, and it has offered computer music courses since 2003. The music gifted class can be described as the pioneer of pushing computer music in music gifted classes of senior high schools. This thesis aims at recording and analyzing the development of computer music courses in the music gifted class of CSHS. A central and important pivot, who has pushed the development of computer music for more than ten years, was interviewed. A complete picture of the development of the music gifted class’s computer music courses is presented with recent achievements and an in-depth interview.清水高中電腦音樂音樂資優班Cingshuei Senior High SchoolComputer MusicMusic Gifted Classes臺灣公立高中音樂資優班電腦音樂教育發展現況-以臺中市立清水高中音樂班為例