鄭禎祥陳肆明2014-10-272014-10-271987-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/16953本文係鑒於美術教育向來在中小學課程裡佔據不重要的地位而從哲學、歷史觀點探索、分析。視覺藝術在學校教育應扮演的角色。全文引證哲學家、心理學家、社會學家、教育學家們的理論觀點探討,並配合藝術的本質,企圖為學校美術教育建立一理論體系。在藝術本質上把握形式、技巧、感官和表理性。在人知本質上把握住了知性、感情性、社會性、美學性、精神性與生理性。當代有艾斯納( Eisner),邁克( Michael)的學術理念來證明學校教育課程需包括視覺藝術的理論基礎。視覺藝術必定要在學校普通教育中建立鞏固的地位。The purpose of this paper is to examine some rationales for visual art education in school curriculum and to locate one that is capable of withstanding severe criticism and scrutiny. To achieve this aim, this paper briefly sketches the philosophy and history of the purposes of art education through the numerous assertions and claims of what visual art can offer as they appear in our literature. The paper, also spotlights the concern and useasy situation of art educators, examines some Plausible rationales, and concludes with major considerations which shape curriculum development in art.美術教育理論課程學校美術教育在學校課程的重要性Why Do Schools Need Art Education (Some Rationales Used to Justify the Inclusion of Visual Art in School Curiculum)