張正芬陳秀芬黃筱君Cheng-Fen ChangHsiu-Fen ChenHsaio-Chun Huang2016-05-062016-05-062014-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78446隨著融合教育的全面推展,就讀高等教育的身心障礙學生逐年增加。近幾年特殊教育相關法令的研擬及修訂,提供了國內高等教育階段特殊教育辦理的重要依據。本文主要在詳述大專校院鑑定工作展開的歷程,將先就現階段鑑定工作的辦理現況進行說明,再提出所遭遇的困難及解決策略,並對未來發展提出建議,以作為辦理大專校院鑑定工作之參考。Due to universal promotion of inclusive education, the population of Taiwanese students with special needs in higher education increased year by year. In recent years, amendments of special education laws provided an important basis for Taiwanese institutions of higher education to address issues involving special education. The purpose of this paper is to describe the procedures used to identify of students with special needs in Taiwanese colleges and universities. The paper describes the current work of identification, difficulties, problem-solving strategies, and suggestions for the development of identification methodology in colleges and universities.鑑定大專校院身心障礙學生identificationthe Colleges and Universities levelstudents with special education needs大專校院身心障礙學生鑑定工作之辦理現況、困難因應及未來發展方向The Current Status and Future Parameters of Identification of Students with Special Education Needs at the Colleges and Universities