王麗雲李至涵2019-08-282016-8-252019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699160172%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91306本研究以我國全國性教師組織(中華民國全國教師會、全國教師工會總聯合會)兩者為研究對象,從工會主義和專業主義的角度探討自1987年以來我國教師組織的定位演變,分析我國教師組織定位的影響因素,以及我國教師組織未來的定位方向與發展。 研究結果顯示我國教師組織定位的討論以工會主義與專業主義兩者為主,目前我國教師組織以工會主義為主要定位,未來可能讓各級教師會轉型為專業主義之教師組織,亦不排除有多元發展的可能性。而我國教師組織的定位演變過程則受到教師角色地位、教師工作性質,以及組織內部和外部種種因素的影響。除此之外,研究者發現我國教師組織定位之選擇雖然出現工會主義和專業主義的辯論,但實際係以務實面為考量,目的在爭取並擴大組織的政治實力,無關乎工會主義或專業主義的路線爭辯。 根據研究結果,研究者建議中央及地方各個行政機關應重視我國教師組織的力量,並且將我國教師組織的成功經驗與其他教育相關的壓力團體(如家長會、校長協會)分享,讓各個團體均衡發展,以期未來在良性互動下共同制定並監督教育政策。另外,研究者認為依照目前教師組織的經營方式,未來組織內部勢必會再度面臨工會主義或專業主義的定位爭辯,故建議教師組織除了必須妥善思考工會化對教育生態帶來的影響及因應之道以外,亦要好好思索組織內部的未來定位發展問題。The study focused on national-level teachers’ organizations (National Teachers' Association R.O.C., NTA& National Federation of Teachers Unions, NFTU), using unionism and professionalism perspective to analyze the role and development, the influenced factors, and the future of teachers’ organizations in Taiwan since 1987. The results show that the role and development of our teachers’ organizations is swing between unionism and professionalism, but now NFTU is toward unionism for sure. In the future, maybe NTA will become professional teachers’ organizations, and it could appear different roles of teachers’ organizations from NTA and NFTU. The course of teachers’ organizations development are influenced by the factors that teacher identity, nature of teacher’s work, and the internal and external conditions within the teachers’ organizations. Besides, the researcher found that no matter the role of our teachers’ organizations is unionism or professionalism, the most improtant thing for our teachers’ organizations is to get the political power. According to the results, the researcher recommends that the administration should care about the force of the teachers’ organizations, and helping other groups such as parental association and principals’ association by sharing teachers’ organizations’ successful experiences to make balance between groups. On the other hand, our teachers’ organizations need to find the solutions to avoid the worse effects after unionism. Beside, our teachers’ organizations need to rethink the relationships and the roles between different teachers’ groups in the future.工會主義專業主義教師組織unionismprofessionalismteachers’ organization工會主義或專業主義:我國教師組織定位演變之探討