陳貞夙Chern, Jen-Sun曾竹君Tseng, Chu-Chun2022-06-082020-10-052022-06-082020https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/e926a943f252ae4e1eb020e0322d19f6/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118007本研究旨在探討影片提示策略教學提升高職中度智能障礙學生獨立完成餅乾包裝技能學習成效之探究。本研究採用單一受試之多探測跨受試設計進行。本研究將目標行為切割為13個步驟,使用iPad為載具,以影片提示為策略,由研究參與者自行操作平板電腦觀看影片步驟來學習目標行為。教學實驗以基線期、介入期和維持期三階段方式進行。使用研究者自編之「包裝技能學習成效評量表」進行評量,教學成效以曲線圖、目視分析與C統計加以分析評估三位研究參與者獨立完成包裝技能之立即學習成效與維持成效,並進行社會效度評估。結果顯示,(1)使用iPad進行影片提示策略介入教學後,對於三名研究參與者之餅乾包裝技能有立即學習成效及維持成效,(2)三位研究參與者及相關師長對於此研究學習策略有正向回饋。最後,根據研究結果提出研究限制與建議,供現場教師教學及未來研究參考。This study aimed to investigate the effects of video prompting to train cookies packing skill for students with moderate intellectual disabilities in vocational high school. This study used a single-case, multiple probe design across subject. The training videos were broken down target skills into13 steps. The participant learned target skills by watching video prompting on the iPad. The study experiment was divided into three phases: the baseline stage, intervention stage and maintenance stage. Use the"Packaging Skills Learning Effectiveness Evaluation Scale" compiled by the researcher for evaluation. The teaching effectiveness is analyzed and evaluated by graphs, visual analysis and C statistics. Three participants independently completed the immediate learning effectiveness and maintenance effectiveness of packaging skills. And conduct social validity evaluation. The results of this study were as follows: (1) Video prompting teaching strategies showed immediately effects and maintenance effects to promote the cookies packing skills by using iPad of students with moderate intellectual disabilities in vocational high school. (2) The three participants and their teacher provided positive feedback about the video prompting teaching strategies to promote the cookies packing skills by using iPad. The above results could be used as a reference for clinical teachers and future research.影片提示中度智能障礙包裝工作技能平板電腦職業技能Video PromptingModerate Intellectual DisabilitiesPacking SkillsTablet ComputerOccupational Skills影片提示策略對中度智能障礙學生餅乾包裝技能之成效The Effects of Video Prompting on Cookies Packing Skill for Students with Intellectual Disabilities學術論文